Electric motors Size 63 - 225 ATEX / IECEx
Transportation, packaging and storage
Pos : 5. 7 / KN2006- SM/Trans por t, Ver pac kung und Lag erung/002 1. 1. 0 Vorsic ht Tr ansportsc häden bei unsac hgemäß em Trans por t_Vorsic ht! Sac hsc haden @ 9\ mod_1144051344560_1.doc @ 84538
Improper transportation
Risk of damage in case of improper
Improper transportation can cause considerable
material damage.
– When unloading delivered packages and when
transporting on the premises, proceed with
caution and adhere to the symbols and
instructions on the packaging.
– Only use the fastening points provided.
– Do not remove the packaging until shortly
before installation.
Pos : 5. 8 / KN2006- SM/ nL---------- Abschnit tsende ---------- @ 8\ mod_1141997892953_0. doc @ 75471
Pos : 5. 9 / KN2006- SM/Trans por t, Ver pac kung und Lag erung/004 1. 1 Trans por tins pektion_Tit el @ 9\ mod_1144054094956_1. doc @ 84692
5.1 Delivery inspection
Pos : 5. 10 /KN 2006-SM /Transport , Verpac kung und Lager ung/ 004 1.1.0 Transporti nspektion - I nhalt , Kurz for m @ 9\ mod_1144054141858_1.doc @ 84699
Inspect the delivery for damage and to make sure it is complete
immediately after receiving it.
Proceed as follows in case of visual external damage:
Refuse delivery or accept delivery provisionally.
Make a note of the extent of damage in the shipping documents
or on the carrier's delivery note.
Make a claim.
Make a claim for every discrepancy as soon as it is
discovered. Claims for compensation can only be
asserted within the valid claims periods.
Pos : 5. 11 /KN 2006-SM /nL---------- Abschnitts ende ---------- @ 8\ mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 75471
Pos : 5. 12 /KN 2006-Pr ojekte/Herf order Elektromot oren-Wer ke/Trans port /AT EX/ 004 1. 1. 0 Trans portins pekti on EX-SCHUTZ @ 60\ mod_1203497791228_1.doc @ 1039774
Explosion protection
Transport damage can cause a loss of the
explosion protection.
– Do not put the machine into operation in case of
visible transport damage. Contact the
Failure to adhere to these instructions will lead to a
loss of the explosion protection.
Pos : 5. 13 /KN 2006-SM /nL---------- Abschnitts ende ---------- @ 8\ mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 75471