2.2 PFC Setup
Another group of parameters serves for power factor control operation setup. The parameters can be divided into following subgroups :
PFC control setup
PFC output setup
PFC alarm setup
2.2.1 PFC Control Setup
The PFC control setup group comprises basic control parameters such like target power factor etc. They are numbered in range 01 ÷ 19.
But first at this phase, it is essential to set the parameter 11 -
the power factor control strategy
… (
) set this strategy if both three-phase and individual single phase power factors need to be controlled
… (
) set this strategy if three-phase power factor control only is required
… (
) set this strategy if all of single-phase power factors to be controlled individually without any relation to each other (3 separately running
single-phase control processes, usable for single phase outputs only)
Other parameters can be modified later. Finally, the last step is PFC output setup.
2.2.2 PFC Output Setup
The PFC output setup is determined by parameters 20 ÷ 36.
For the first commissioning, check and - if required - modify
the discharge time for set 1
( parameter 34 ). The time is displayed in format MM.SS ( minutes.seconds ). It is
necessary especially at high voltage compensation systems where discharge time in range of minutes must be set.
Optionally, you can set any of the highest three of outputs as alarm, fan control or heater control.
Now you can finally set output types and sizes. The most comfortable way to do this is by using
Automatic Output Recognition (AOR)
process : scroll to parameter 20 and
edit its value to
. After return to measured quantities display - either manually with the key
or automatically after about 30 seconds without any key manipulation –
the AOR process is started.
If load is low or disconnected at all, the default undercurrent (
) alarm ( No. 04, parameter 43 ) actuation forces the controller into the standby state. In such case
the AOR process cannot be started. Therefore, it is necessary to switch this alarm actuation temporarily off ( and to return it back after the AOR-process passes). AOR Process
After being started, the AOR screen appears : the
message in the first line and the symbol
First of all, all of control outputs (i.e. excluding the fixed ones and optional alarm/fan/heating ones ) are disconnected, step by step.
Then the instrument waits until discharge time of the outputs just disconnected expires - such not-discharged outputs are identified with flashing output symbol. That means
that the instrument waits till the outputs are ready to use.
AOR-Process Step 1.1 Recognition Example