Klimor EVO -T Скачать руководство пользователя страница 74










Description / Settings menu






Heating time 100% – primary heating time with 100% valve opening, independent from min, max ext. T


Heating time scale – primary heating time with percentage valve opening dependent on the external temperature and the water return 
temperature (if B8 sensor is activated) 


Drop ramp – possibility to activate / deactivate the drop ramp for valve opening stage after primary heating 


Drop time – after system starts and primary heating occurs, the heater valve starts closing from the current opening resulting from the 
external temperature scale to the opening resulting from the temperature control process signal 


Min ext. T. – minimum external temperature of valve control scale during primary heating  


Min ext. T. valve. – valve control during primary heating for external temperature equal to Min ext. T. 


Max ext. T. – minimum external temperature of valve control scale during primary heating  


Max ext. T. valve. – valve control during primary heating for external temperature equal to Min ext. T. 

Pump activation 


Pump activation temperature – external temperature below which the circulating pump works all the time 

Pump deactiv.delay


Pump deactivation delay – delay in deactivation of the water heater circulating pump 

Minimum valve 


Minimum valve opening – degree of minimum opening of the heater valve present during standstill and during work of the ventilation unit, 
occuring at the drop of the external temperature below the Pump activation temperature parameter. 

Frost water


Sensor B8 – heater protection activation through the return water temperature sensor (activation is possible in systems without an primary heater) 


Frost activation temperature – activation of Frost protection control  on the water side in respect of external temperature lower than this parameter 


Frost – Stop – return temperature threshold setting below which the system switches to heating mode (during standstill), connected with 
blocking alarm A_ThHWwater


Frost – Start – return temperature threshold setting below which the system switches to heating mode (during work), connected with 
blocking alarm A_ThHWwater


Control – Stop – heater water return temperature setting, valve is opened at low temperature, regardless of the main heater control signal  
(during standstill) 


Control – Start – heater water return temperature setting, valve is opened at low temperature, regardless of the main heater control signal  
(during work)


Kp – strengthening the return water set point controller 


Ti – return water set point controller constant of integration

Pump protection


Set protection – activation / deactivation of the pump protection control by its cyclical activation (factory setting is 30 seconds of pump 
work every 7 days of idle pump) 


Standstill time – active when the pump protection function is active 


Start time – active when the pump protection function is active





Min operation time – minimal operation time of the refrigerating unit. Enter set point according to the refrigerating unit OMM


Min stop time – minimal stopping time of the refrigerating unit. Enter set point according to the refrigerating unit OMM


Min external operation temp. – min external operation temperature at which the refrigerating unit is operating.

Inactive Level II – option to activate II cooling level


Cascading – option to activate the cascading control of 2-level DX cooler (1 – I level, 2 – II level, 3 – I and II levels), use in case of two coolers 
with different efficiency parameters


Level II – option to set the adjustment signal threshold setting, when the II level of cooling is activated


Level III – option to set the adjustment signal threshold setting, when the III level of cooling is activated (only in the cascading mode)


The control system sends simultaneously the 0÷10VDC signal to control the DX cooling coil, in case of control with 0÷10VDC signal the „II stage” and 

„Cascade” functions have to be deactivated.



Operation mode


Auto – the mixing chamber is involved in the temperature adjustment process
Manual – the mixing chamber is not involved in the temperature adjustment process, setting set point of the opening level in the controller 
main menu

Priority for



Heater/cooler – in the temperature adjustment process in the mixing chamber auto operation mode these functions are involved in the fol-
lowing order: 
1. Recovery / 2. Heater/cooler / 3. Mixing chamber
Mixing chamber – in the temperature adjustment process in the mixing chamber auto operation mode these functions are involved in the 
following order: 
1. Recovery  / 2. Mixing chamber / 3. Heater/cooler

Содержание EVO -T

Страница 1: ...TION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL PAGE 55 Automation and control system for EVO T and EVO T COMPACT units EVO T EVO TCOMPACT AUTOMATYKA 107 a y EVO T EVO T COMPACT DTR EVO T_CS 033 2 0 2020 KLIMOR zastrzega...

Страница 2: ...SERWIS SERVICE 48 587839950 51 48 587839888 48 510098081 serwis klimor com...

Страница 3: ...a sterownica do central EVO T i EVO T COMPACT z aplikacj UNIAPPEVO T DOKUMENTACJA TECHNICZNO RUCHOWA WERSJA POLSKA KLIMOR zastrzega sobie prawo do wprowadzania zmian zaawansowane rozwi zania klimatyza...

Страница 4: ...i spos b pod czenia z silnikami EBM 32 11 MODU Y STEROWANIA NAGRZEWNICAMI ELEKTRYCZNYMI EH EVO T COMPACT 33 11 1 Modu steruj cy nagrzewnic elektryczn HE 33 11 2 Pierwsze uruchomienie 34 12 SCHEMATY SI...

Страница 5: ...sekcje wentylatorowe z podw jnymi wentylatorami EC w EVO T 1200 oraz AC i EC w EVO T 9200 Sterownice 4S zasilanie 3x400V 50 Hz przezna czone s dla central nawiewno wywiewnych EVO T 1200 i 9200 oraz EV...

Страница 6: ...tem aplikacjizgodnymzuk ademwentylacjilubklimatyzacji do kt rego ma by zastosowany uk ad automatyki b wykona pod czenia elektryczne wed ug schematu aplikacji oraz wytycznych z niniejszej instrukcji c...

Страница 7: ...ksymalnejtemperaturzenawiewu ale wolniejsza reakcja na ograniczenie Parametry ograniczenia temperatury Tmin nawiewu Tmax nawiewu mog by zbli one do nastawy tempera tury zadanej Wprzypadku braku stabil...

Страница 8: ...0 PRCS 8 0 0 8 0 0 PRCS 9 0 1 8 0 0 PRCS 10 2 0 8 0 0 UWAGA Ze wzgl du na algorytm sterowania i mo liwo oszcz d no ci energii ka dy uk ad nawiewny z komor mieszania oraz uk ad nawiewno wywiewny z rec...

Страница 9: ...spr arkowego oraz zwi kszanie jego wysterowania lub za czenie 1 2 stopnia agregatu spr arkowego zastosowano blokowanie za czenia uk adu ch odniczego przy niskich temperaturach zewn trznych nastawa fa...

Страница 10: ...S1F Wsp praca z central p po LIYY 2x1 S1 Zezwolenie na start wy cznik serwisowy LIYY 2x1 Y1 Si ownik zaworu nagrzewnicy wodnej wt rnej lub wst pnej LIYCY 3x1 M1 Pod czenie pompy obiegowej nagrzewnicy...

Страница 11: ...pnego nawiewu LIYY 2x1 1S2H Presostat r nicowy filtra wt rnego nawiewu opcja LIYY 2x1 2S1H Presostat r nicowy filtra wst pnego wywiewu LIYY 2x1 E5 Potwierdzenie startu styk beznapi ciowy LIYY 2x1 N3...

Страница 12: ...DIN1 5 podanie 24VAC stan 1 Funkcje opcjonalnej karty ETH dost pne z poziomu przegl darki IP address Ethernet card address 192 168 0 8 Network mask Maska podsieci 255 255 255 0 Gateway IP Brama domy l...

Страница 13: ...ania 10 0V przepustnice naw wyw 0 10V lub Odzysk ciep a ch odu krzy owy mo liwo negacji wej cia cyfrowego w menu ustawienia ch odnica DX w menu serwisowym mo liwo wyboru jednego z wyj analogowych jako...

Страница 14: ...pe ratury 22 C System III uk ad zatrzymany temperatura powietrza nawiewanego oraz pomieszczenia zmniejsza si System IV uk ad za czony do pracy z powodu osi gni cia warunk w za czenia czyli spadek temp...

Страница 15: ...ic elektryczn Stannormalny temperaturanagrzewnicyjestniska nawej ciu cyfrowymjestsygna 24VAC Stanalarmowy temperaturanagrzewnicyjestzbytwysoka na wej ciucyfrowymniemasygna u24VAC Reakcjanastanalarmowy...

Страница 16: ...pod czenia ze sterownikiem ELP11R19L BAC okre li przyczyn b du po usuni ciu przyczyny alarm zanikasamoczynnieiuk adwracadopracy Wej cieczujnikowePT5 A_Tback Water Zanikaj cy Badanieprawid owejpracyczu...

Страница 17: ...amoczynnie A_In_ Emul Zanikaj cy Emulacjawej Stannormalny niewyst pujealarm adnezwej niejest wtrybieemulacji Stanalarmowy conajmniejjednozwej cyfrowych analogo wych PT1000jestwtrybieemulacji Reakcjana...

Страница 18: ...ybu Pracy w Menu serwisowym tryby 2 3 bieg i lub czuwanie mog by niedost pne Nastawatemperatury zadana temperatura Rys Nr 6 MenuTimera PONIEDZIA EK PONIEDZIA EK NOWY NOWY OK OK OK STRZA KA W PRAWO C C...

Страница 19: ...regulacja temperatury nast puje wg czujnika temperatury wiod cej i nastawy temperatury z menu g wnego Czujnik wiod cy czuwania HMI CON Wywiew za czenie uk adu do pracy wzgl dem czujnika temperatury w...

Страница 20: ...blatemizim 30s Op nienieza czenia mo liwo dokonanianastawyop nionegoza czeniadlaregulatorach odzenia 1 Kp_nawiewu wzmocnienieregulatoranawiewu 45s Ti_nawiewu sta aca kowaniaregulatoranawiewu 40 C Tmax...

Страница 21: ...hronypompy Ch odnica na bezpo rednie odparowanie DX 120s Min czaspracy minimalnyczaspracyagregatuch odniczego Wprowadzi nastaw zgodn zDTRagregatu 180s Min czaspostoju minimalnyczaspostojuagregatuch od...

Страница 22: ...czy i w czy zasilanie wentylatora EBM aby nowy adres by aktywny Ok Status OK adowanie nastaw zako czone sukcesem Trwa adowanie uk ad w trakcie adowania nastaw przy poprawnej komunikacji adowanie trwa...

Страница 23: ...ze znakiem Fixed typ sta opozycyjny w kt rym 8 najmniej znacz cych bit w przeznaczone jest na cz u amkow nato miast pozosta e 24 bity to cz ca kowita ze znakiem Wynika z tego e dok adno warto ci Fixe...

Страница 24: ...bieg 2 pracaIIbieg 4 IIIbieg 8 timer MSV Register R W 8 16 WorkMode4 Ustawtrybpracy dlaekranug wnegoTyp4 0 stop 1 pracaIbieg 2 pracaIIbieg 4 3bieg 8 czuwanie 16 timer MSV Register R W 9 18 Tset Nastaw...

Страница 25: ...nicy wodnej 0 stop 1 start MSV Coil 1568 R 50 100 Y9 Wysterowanie ch odnicy DX 1 256 22 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R 51 102 CXstate Wysterowanie ch odnicy DX 0 stop 1 Istopie 2 IIstopie 3 IiIIstop...

Страница 26: ...1 256 22 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R W 114 228 Ti_Blow Sta aca kowaniaregulatora minimalnej maksymalnejtemp nawiewu 1s 256 22s 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R W 115 230 TminBlow Minimalna temper...

Страница 27: ...icy MSV Coil 4896 R W 154 308 MinFresh Minimalne wie e powietrze 1 256 22 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R W 155 310 MaxFresh Maksymalne wie e powietrze 1 256 22 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R W 156...

Страница 28: ...1 2 10VDC MSV Coil 6272 R W 197 394 Ao2scale Skalowanie wyj cia analogowego Aout2 0 0 10VDC 1 2 10VDC MSV Coil 6304 R W 198 396 Ao3scale Skalowanie wyj cia analogowego Aout3 0 0 10VDC 1 2 10VDC MSV Co...

Страница 29: ...a MSV Coil 8032 R W 252 504 E_PT4 Warto emulowana wej cia czujnika PT1000 4 1 C 256 22 C 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R W 253 506 Em_PT5 Emulacja wej cia czujnika PT1000 5 0 nieaktywna 1 aktywna MSV...

Страница 30: ...t puje alarm BV Coil 9408 R 295 590 A_Filter Alarm brudnego filtra nawiewu wywiewu 0 brak alarmu 1 wyst puje alarm BV Coil 9440 R 296 592 A_SupPres Alarm wentylatora nawiewu badany presostatem 0 brak...

Страница 31: ...nie uruchomi przegl dark internetow i wpisa domy lny adres sterownika 192 168 0 8 Poka e si okno gdzie nale y wpisa domy lny login admin i has o admin Rys Nr 11 Okno logowania z has ami dost pu 3 Po w...

Страница 32: ...Router z przekierowaniem portu 80 ze sterownika czyli 192 168 0 8 80 na adres zewn trzny routera 192 168 0 1 dzi ki temu widzimy sterownik w lokalnej sieci WIFI cz c si z de dykowan sieci routera mam...

Страница 33: ...02 Minimalna cz stotliwo zadana 0 000 Zawsze wpisujemy t warto 3 03 Maksymalna cz stotliwo zadana Fz max Nastawa indywidualna 3 17 r d o warto ci zadanej 3 11 Magistrala Modbus 4 14 Maksymalna cz sto...

Страница 34: ...ja przemiennik w LG IG5 sterowanie RS485 Nr kabla Pod czenie Kolor kabla Funkcja kabla 1 2 PE to zielony Uziemienie 3 N niebieski Zasilanie 0 5 L czarny Zasilanie faza 6 NC bia y 1 Przeka nik stanu si...

Страница 35: ...pozycja EHMEVO T36kW 3 EHEVO T COMPACT8000 144 2 EHEVO T COMPACT 4100 144 2 EHEVO T COMPACT 1200 216 3 EHEVO T9200 216 3 EHEVO T 9200 324 3 W celu zrealizowania sterowania p ynnego nagrzewni c elektry...

Страница 36: ...b r wna mocy Pn W omawianym przyk adzie moc dw ch stopni jest wystarczaj ca Nale y ustawi dip switch w pozycji 2 stopnie Nast pnie nale y obliczy warto ograniczenia PWM zgodnie z poni szym wzorem gdzi...

Страница 37: ...S przeznaczonych do sterowania centralami N W EVO T4100 1200 i 9200 wyposa onymi w sekcje wentylatorowe z pojedynczymi wentylatorami zasilanie wentylatora EC lub falownika silnika AC pod czamy do bez...


Страница 39: ...37...


Страница 41: ...39...

Страница 42: ...TYKI DO CENTRAL EVO T EVO T COMPACT DOKUMENTACJA TECHNICZNO RUCHOWA Rys Nr 30 Schemat zasilania dla sterownicy 4S podw jny nawiew podw jny wywiew Rys Nr 31 Elementy szafy steruj cej dla sterownicy 4S...

Страница 43: ...b Nr 29 Zasilanie modu u EH Moc nagrzewnicy Pr d znamionowy zestawu Przew d zasilaj cy sterownic kW lnA A mm2 14 4 22 5x4 0 21 6 33 5x6 0 32 4 49 5x16 Tab Nr 30 Zasilanie poszczeg lnych stopni nagrzew...

Страница 44: ...nagrzewnicy 324 3 UWAGA Indywidualne schematy po cze sterowniczych odpowia daj cych wybranej aplikacji s za czone do niniejszej DTR Rys Nr 33 Schemat pod czenia grza ek w nagrzewnicy 216 3 I 3x400V S...

Страница 45: ...net MS TP lub Modbus wbudowany czujnik temperatury temperatura przechowywania 20 70 C stopie ochrony IP 30 Rys Nr 35 15 1 2 Opis z cza Rys Nr 36 15 1 3 Monta na cienny Rys Nr 37 15 1 4 Schemat pod cze...

Страница 46: ...s potwierdzenie alarmu przytrzymany przez 3 sekundy na li cie alarm w 15 1 6 Ekrany HMI Compact Rys Nr 39 13 1 7 Menu HMI G wne strony HMI wyst puj w zale no ci od typu sterownika oraz jego aplikacji...

Страница 47: ...W z y s punktami wej cia w zag bienie menu Parametry zawieraj warto ci kt re mo na odczyty wa a niekt re z nich r wnie modyfikowa Wej cie w zag bienie menu lub przej cie do edycji parametru dokonuje s...

Страница 48: ...w menu Ustawienia komunikacji Communication settings HMI COM SETTINGS ustawienia zadajnika HMI MAC address Adres zadajnika HMI Instance Unikalny numer urz dzenia w sieci Bus mode Tryb pracy magistral...

Страница 49: ...ry 126 x 87 x 16 mm 15 2 2 Schemat pod czenia panelu HMI TP do sterownika Rys Nr 45 HMI TP7 Napi cie zasilania 24 V AC DC 10 Pob r mocy max 3W Pob r mocy w stanie czuwania 1 2W Rozdzielczo wy wietlacz...

Страница 50: ...ast puje po przesuni ciu ekranu z lewej strony na praw Panel HMI TP posiada swoje wewn trzne ustawienia Aby w nie wej nale y jednocze nie wcisn dowolne 3 punkty na ekranie i przytrzyma przez czas oko...

Страница 51: ...a Wej cie w zag bienie menu lub przej cie do edycji pa rametru dokonuje si naciskaj c klawisz OK Naci ni cie klawisza C powoduje wycofanie si z zag bienia menu lub rezygnacj z edycji parametru Stan al...

Страница 52: ...esuni cie pomiaru temperatury dokonywanej przez wbudowany czujnik Menu skin Sk rka menu Mo liwo wybrania jednego z kilku wygl d w menu Ustawienia komunikacji Communication settings HMI COM SETTINGS us...



Страница 55: ...53 NOTATKI...

Страница 56: ...SERWIS SERVICE 48 587839950 51 48 510098081 serwis klimor com...

Страница 57: ...AND CONTROL SYSTEM FOR UNITS EVO T EVO T COMPACT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL ENGLISH VERSION KLIMOR reserves the rights to introduce alteration without prior notice advanced airconditioning andve...

Страница 58: ...83 10 5 Communication RS485 Slave Modbus RTU and connection method with the EBM motor 84 11 CONTROL MODULES OF EH EVO T ELECTRIC HEATERS 85 11 1 HE electric heater control module 85 11 2 First start u...

Страница 59: ...for EVO T 1200 and 9200 air supply AHUs equipped with fan sections featuring double fans EC in EVO T 1200 and AC and EC in EVO T 9200 4S Control Cabinets power supply 3x400V 50Hz designed for EVO T 1...

Страница 60: ...n line with the applica tion diagram and guidelines listed in this manual c Check ifthesensorsandfunctionalelements actuators inverters etc are connected correctly d Turn on the power supply of the co...

Страница 61: ...ere is no setting stabilization for recommended set tings you can increase Ti of each controller by 10s max up to 120s Selection of heater cool down time should eliminate overheating of the electrical...

Страница 62: ...0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 PRCS PRCS 5 5 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 4 0 0 PRCS PRCS 6 6 2 2 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 PRCS PRCS 8 8 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 PRCS PRCS 9 9 0 0 1 1 8 8 0 0 0 0 PRCS PRCS 10 10 2 2 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 NOTE Due...

Страница 63: ...n the 1st 2nd stage of the compressor unit Cooling system initiation lock applied at low external temperatures factory setting 13 C Min time of compressor operation even if the initiation signal is no...

Страница 64: ...permit service trip switch LIYY 2x1 Y1 Preliminary or secondary water heating coil valve actuator LIYCY 3x1 M1 Connection of preliminary or secondary water heating coil circulation pump YLY 3x1 5 EM1...

Страница 65: ...1R Cross flow heat exchanger s pressure gage in system with HPM LIYY 2x1 E5 Start confirmation voltage free contact LIYY 2x1 N3 Programming device HMI Advance 2 cables communication BUS power supply L...

Страница 66: ...P default gateway 192 168 0 1 7 1 Standard functions of controller I Os Table No 11 List of digital inputs Digital inputs Input NC state supplying 24VAC to DIN input switches on the digital input Duri...

Страница 67: ...ller DIN1 input and Set operation mode parameter at the con troller or programming device is set to any other option than Stop 8 2 Changing set temperature NOn the controller or programming device in...

Страница 68: ...thispurpose Readings of air supply and exhaust tempera turesensorsinthismodecanbeunreliable 8 4 Alarms Alarms are indicated by the display blinking and by red LED on the controller or programming devi...

Страница 69: ...n and damage of heat cool exchangers that would be a customer s fault Digital input Din3 A_Sup Pres Blocking Air supply fan operation inspection using the pressure gauge this input is supplied with th...

Страница 70: ...rmalcondition no alarm correct communication Alarmcondition alarm triggered incorrect communication Response to the alarm condition the system is stopped check theinverteranditsconnectiontotheEELP11R1...

Страница 71: ...in case of low external temperature the systemswithwaterheaterneedspreliminaryheatup Heatup insystemswithwaterheateriftheanti frostthermostat sendsanalarm thewaterheaterheatupisinitiated Cooldown ins...

Страница 72: ...Important option for the master sensor in Auto mode Auto year season determined automatically based on the external temperature sensor Winter manual set point of winter operation mode Summer manual s...

Страница 73: ...e 2nd speed airflow 100 Max air supply airflow setting of the 3rd speed airflow 70 Min air exhaust airflow setting of the 1st speed airflow 85 Medium air exhaust airflow setting of the 2nd speed airfl...

Страница 74: ...op heater water return temperature setting valve is opened at low temperature regardless of the main heater control signal during standstill 30 C Control Start heater water return temperature setting...

Страница 75: ...temperature change ramp elimination of sudden change for stepless operation of temperature regulators Types of fan inverters Danfoss Danfoss choice of modbus RS485 control of Danfoss FC51 inverters EB...

Страница 76: ...Holding Register and Input Register type Variables in this form to facilitate integration with BMS systems are made available in different address spaces 0x0000 0x1000 traditional representation acco...

Страница 77: ...untofthecalendarandthestartramp 1 C 256 22 C 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R 11 22 Tmain Temperaturecontrolmastersensortemperature 1 C 256 22 C 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R 12 24 B1 Supplytempera...

Страница 78: ...256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R 68 136 FHEn Mixing chamber quick heating 0 inactive 1 active MS Coil 2176 R W Table no 21Variables of Settings Menu DEC address Variable name Description Variables Setti...

Страница 79: ...trolscaleduringpreheating 1 C 256 22 C 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R W 127 254 InitVTmin ValvecontrolduringpreheatingforexternaltemperatureequaltoMinT zewn 1 256 22 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R...

Страница 80: ...ve MSV Coil5440 R W 171 342 TminSup Minimumacceptablesupply temperature 1 C 256 22 C 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R W 172 344 DelTemp LowsupplytemperaturealarmdelayA_LowTemp 1s 256 22s 22 256 5632 0...

Страница 81: ...Register R 227 454 PT_4 Readout of input of sensor PT1000 4 1 C 256 22 C 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R 228 456 PT_5 Readout of input of sensor PT1000 5 1 C 256 22 C 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R...

Страница 82: ...xA00 AV Register R W 276 552 Read_RS485 Read Modbus 0 inactive 1 digcoil1 2 digcoil4 4 digcoil8 8 diginput1 16 diginput4 32 diginput8 64 register1 128 register 4 256 register8 512 inputreg1 1024 input...

Страница 83: ...22 A_InEmul Controller input emulation alarm 0 no alarm 1 alarm BV Coil 9952 R 312 624 A_OutForce Controller output forcing alarm 0 no alarm 1 alarm BV Coil 9984 R 313 626 Alarm Collective alarm 0 no...

Страница 84: ...roller via theWIFI Router Router with port forwarding 80 from the controller i e 192 168 0 8 80 to the router external address 192 168 0 1 so that we can see the controller in the local WIFI network C...

Страница 85: ...tor protection 4 Emergency ETR only 3 02 Min requested frequency 0 000 Always enter this value 3 03 Max requested frequency Fz max Custom setting 3 17 Source of requested value 3 11 Modbus 4 14 Max ou...

Страница 86: ...ngle air exhaust Table no 25 Connection of the EBM fan wires Cable Connection Cable color Cable function 1 2 PE yellow green Ground 3 N Blue Power supply 0 5 L Black Power supply Phase 6 NC White 1 Mo...

Страница 87: ...t EH M 36kW 3 EH EVO T COMPACT 8000 144 2 EH EVO T COMPACT 4100 144 2 EH EVO T COMPACT 1200 216 3 EH EVO T9200 216 3 EH EVO T9200 324 3 The SSR solid state relays and the HE module are used to provide...

Страница 88: ...case the power of 2 stage is sufficient The dip switch should be set to the position of stage 2 Then you should calculate the PWM limit value in ac cordance with the following formula where P3 calcul...

Страница 89: ...n the 4S control cabinets designed for controlling air supply AHUs EVO T 1200 and 9200 equipped with fan sections with double fans power supply of EC fan or inverters of AC motors connected to the F1M...




Страница 93: ...91 0 5mm2 white 0 5mm2 white 0 5mm2 white 0 5mm2 white 0 5mm2 blue 0 5mm2 blue 0 5mm2 blue CONTROL AUTOMATION CONTROL...

Страница 94: ...PERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL Fig 28 Power supply diagram for 4S control cabinet with double air supply and exhaust air Fig 30 Components of control box for 4S control cabinet with double air supply...

Страница 95: ...6 0 32 4 49 5x10 0 Table no 30 Power supply of individual stages of the electric heater HEATER STAGE OUTPUT RATED CURRENT OF ONE STAGE INC POWER LEAD OF ONE STAGE SELECTION OF FUSES kW InC A mm2 A P 3...

Страница 96: ...uld be disassembled Fig 34 Connection of grilles in heater 324 3 I 3x400V STOPIE II 3x400V STOPIE III 3x400V STOPIE I 3x400V STOPIE II 3x400V STOPIE 3x400V do 3 6kW 3 2 1 6 5 4 T T PE 9 8 7 7 2kW 3 6k...

Страница 97: ...x 320 px communication link RS 485 supporting ELP series controllers BACnet MS TP or Modbus protocol embedded temperature sensor storage temperature 20 70 C IP protection class 30 Fig 35 15 1 2 Connec...

Страница 98: ...Conf 3s confirm the alarm hold down for 3 seconds on the alarm list 15 1 6 HMI screens Fig 39 TITLE SCREEM Main HMI pages HMI menu Settings menu Alarms menu t w o l e f t k e y s 3 s p r e v n e x t 3...

Страница 99: ...by the user The menu contains two types of elements node and parameter Nodes are entry points into the menu Pa rameters contain values that can be read and some of them can also be modified To enter t...

Страница 100: ...the main page or the first page of the main menu T sensor offset temperature sensor offset Offset of the temperature measurement carried out by the embedded sensor Menu skin menu skin Possibility to s...

Страница 101: ...ption max 3W Power consumption in stand by mode 1 2W Display resolution 800x480 px Colour depth 18 bit Touch panel capacitive multitoutch Communication connection RS 485 Cooperation with ELP series co...

Страница 102: ...cription Exiting the submenu is possible after moving the screen from left to right TP HMI panel has its internal settings To enter it press any 3 points on the screen at the same time and hold them f...

Страница 103: ...nu or cancel the edition of the parame ter Alarm status is indicated by red background colour of HMI menu To check the alarm status go to the Alarm menu 15 2 7 Alarm menu You can access the alarm menu...

Страница 104: ...Shifting the temperature measurement made by the built in sensor Menu skin Menu skin Possibility to select one of several menu designs Communication Settings HMI COM SETTINGS HMI settings MAC address...



Страница 107: ...105 NOTES...

Страница 108: ...SERWIS SERVICE 48 587839950 51 48 510098081 serwis klimor com...


Страница 110: ...4 RS485 Modbus RTU Danfoss FC51 138 10 5 RS485 Modbus RTU EBM 139 11 EH EVO T 140 11 1 HE 140 11 2 142 12 142 13 149 13 1 149 13 2 149 14 150 15 HMI 151 15 1 HMI Compact 151 15 1 1 151 15 1 2 151 15...

Страница 111: ...000 6 1 2008 PN EN 61000 6 3 2008 www el piast com download DX 2S 1x230 50 EVO T 4100 1200 9200 EVO T COMPACT 8000 4100 1200 AC EC EVO T 1200 9200 EC EVO T 1200 AC EC EVO T 9200 4S 3x400 50 EVO T 1200...

Страница 112: ...Uimp 4 InA 12 InC 12 Icw 1 5 A 12 fn 50 TN S IP 40 2 A IK05 3 10 C 40 C 35 C 406x303x98 406x303x98 3 3 3 6 2 2 EVO T COMPACT Modbus RS485 AC EC EBM 1x230 0 10 DX 0 10 1 2 DX 24 24 3 a b c d 8 4 e 8 4...

Страница 113: ...cal heater 4 3 EVO T COMPACT IP40 X X 99000521027363 CG_EVO T 2S Compact 303x407x98 mm 99000521027364 CG_EVO T 4S Compact 303x407x98 mm 99000521027329 CG_EVO T 2S HMITouch4 3 303x407x98 mm 99000521027...

Страница 114: ...4 0 0 0 4 0 0 SECS 5 0 1 0 4 0 0 SECS 6 2 0 0 4 0 0 SECS 8 0 0 8 0 0 0 SECS 9 0 1 8 0 0 0 SECS 10 2 0 8 0 0 0 SECS 33 0 1 0 0 32 0 SECS 34 2 0 0 0 32 0 SECS 36 0 0 0 4 32 0 SECS 37 0 1 0 4 32 0 SECS 3...

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Страница 116: ...IYCY 3x1 M1 YLY 3x1 5 EM1 LIYY 2x1 S2F LIYY 2x1 Y2 LIYCY 3x1 E1 LIYY 2x1 Y3 LIYCY 3x1 Y4 LIYCY 3x1 CX1 I LIYY 2x1 CX2 II LIYY 2x1 Y9 0 10 LIYCY 3 1 EVO T HE 0 10 LIYCY 6x1 1U1 1U2 EC YLY H03 VV F Pkt...

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Страница 118: ...3 AC1 5 24 6 HMI CON HMI 7 8 ETH ETH RJ45 BMS 9 PT1000 10 DIN 5 24 1 ETH IP address Ethernet 192 168 0 8 Network mask 255 255 255 0 Gateway IP 192 168 0 1 7 1 11 24 DIN Din 1 A_AF Din2 A_ThHW A_ThHE...

Страница 119: ...2 A_Texh PT3 A_Tout PT4 A_Trec PT5 A_Tmain PT5 A_TbackWater PT5 13 ReC ReA ReC ReA Re1 Re2 I Re3 II Re4 Re5 Re6 14 0 10 Aout1 Aout2 Aout3 10 0 0 10 DX 0 10 8 8 1 Q1M CG EVO T 2S CG EVO T 4S 03 S1F din...

Страница 120: ...118 EVO T EVO T COMPACT I II Tsup 22 C III IV Troom 4 C TsetStdby 20 C Tsup V t Troom TsetStdby 8 4 Re8 C 3 OK 5 PT5...

Страница 121: ...4VAC 24VAC 100 3 A_ThHWair A_3xThHWair Din2 A_ThHE A_3xThHE HE 24 24 A_ThHE 3 1 A_3 ThHE Din2 A_Filter 24 24 Din3 A_Sup Pres EH EVO T 30 24 30 24 Din4 A_Vent FC EC 24 24 ELP11R19L BAC Din5 PT1000 A_Ts...

Страница 122: ...AC PT3 A_Trec ELP11R19L BAC PT4 A_Tsup Prim ELP11R19L BAC PT5 A_Tbac kWater PT5 A_Tma in ELP11R19L BAC MISC ALARMS A_Com SupFC ELP11R19L BAC EC A_Com SupFC2 EC ELP11R19L BAC EC A_Co mExhFC ELP11R19L B...

Страница 123: ...121 A_Col dRec PT4 24 24 A_Code 3 A_In_ Emul PT1000 A_Out Force 9 9 1 No 16 8 2 8 3 PL RU 9 2 1 2 3...

Страница 124: ...122 EVO T EVO T COMPACT 2 3 FR 03 05 11 21 57 00 6 OK OK OK C C C C 08 00 00 16 00 00 3 STOP 7 OK OK OK C C C C 08 00 00 16 00 00 3 STOP 8...

Страница 125: ...123 9 3 1111 17 HMI CON HMI CON HMI RS485 RS485 PT5 PT5 PT5 15 C 600 5 C 20 C 4 C 22 C HMI CON HMI CON HMI CON HMIRS485 RS485 PT5 PT5 PT5 4 C...

Страница 126: ...RS485 EC RS485 EC 2RS485 EC 1 EC 2 EC 3 EC 4 2 EC 70 85 100 70 85 100 60 60 0 3 Tcom 3 Twait 20 20 1 Kp_grzania 60 Ti_grzania 1 Kp_ch odzenia 60 Ti_ch odzenia Lato Zima PI_ch odzenia 30 Op nienie za c...

Страница 127: ...100 T zewn 30 B8 30 0 C T zewn 75 T zewn T zewn 10 C T zewn 15 T zewn T zewn 5 C 0 10 Frost B8 10 C frost Frost 15 C Frost A_ThHWwater 20 C Frost A_ThHWwater 25 C 30 C 1 Kp 30 Ti 30 7 7 30 a 120 180...

Страница 128: ...00 5 C Tlim 2 C Tlim 9 4 1111 18 off on off on off 1 2 3 off 1 2 3 T off 1 2 3 S T SCS SCS SECS PRCS 0 4 A_Code Offset A_LowTemp 20 ZmianaTset Danfoss Danfoss Danfoss FC51 modbus RS485 EBM EBM modbus...

Страница 129: ...t2 0 10 Aout2 Aout3 0 10 Aout3 0 10 7 1 Aout1 0 10 Aout1 Aout2 0 10 Aout2 Aout3 0 10 Aout3 A_ColdRec A_ColdRec HMI 0 10 Aout1 0 10 0 10 10 0 10 2 10 OMM 0 3 Tcom Modbus SLAVE 3 Twait Modbus 9 Modbus T...

Страница 130: ...Modbus 0x5000 0x6000 0x1000 0x2000 16 16 0x0124 16 0x4092 Modbus 0x6000 0x7000 0x2000 0x3000 16 16 0x0124 16 0x4092 Modbus 0x7000 0x8000 0x2000 0x3000 16 16 0x0124 16 0x4092 Modbus 0x1000 0x4000 0x500...

Страница 131: ...6 5632 0x1600 AV Register R 21 42 Isup 1A 256 22A 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R 22 44 Fsup RS485 1Hz 256 22Hz 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R 23 46 RPMsup RS485 EC 1rpm 256 22rpm 22 256 5632 0x160...

Страница 132: ...6 PT5 32 MSV Register R W 70 140 EcoDiff ECO 1 C 256 22 C 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R W 71 142 StartTime 1 C 256 22 C 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R W 72 144 TsetCor 1 C 256 22 C 22 256 5632 0x...

Страница 133: ...0 AV Register R W 116 232 TmaxBlow 1 C 256 22 C 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R W 117 234 TsetBlowAct 1 C 256 22 C 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R 118 236 RecDown 1s 256 22s 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Re...

Страница 134: ...5 310 MaxFresh 1 256 22 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R W 156 312 TlimMCH 1 C 256 22 C 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R W 157 314 HistMCH 1 C 256 22 C 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R W 22 DEC R W Ba...

Страница 135: ...DC MSV Coil 6304 R W 198 396 Ao3scale Aout3 0 0 10VDC 1 2 10VDC MSV Coil 6336 R W 199 398 Tcom 1 256 22s 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R W 200 400 Twait Tcom x 1 256 22s 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Registe...

Страница 136: ...C 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R W 249 498 Em_PT3 PT1000 3 0 1 MSV Coil 7968 R W 250 500 E_PT3 PT1000 3 1 C 256 22 C 22 256 5632 0x1600 AV Register R W 251 502 Em_PT4 PT1000 4 0 1 MSV Coil 8032 R W...

Страница 137: ...2560 0xA00 AV Register R W 23 DEC R W BacNet Modbus BacNet Modbus 284 568 ResAl 0 1 MSV Coil 9088 R W 285 570 A_Code 0 1 BV Coil 9120 R 286 572 A_AF 0 1 BV Coil 9152 R 287 574 A_LowTemp 0 1 BV Coil 9...

Страница 138: ...136 EVO T EVO T COMPACT 10 2 Bacnet MS TP BMS BacNet RS485 Rj45 ETH 10 3 WWW www Ethernet 9 ETH ETH 1 TCP4 10 2 192 168 0 8 admin admin 11 3 12 HMI 13 14 HMI 4 Ethernet WiFi WiFi ETH RJ...

Страница 139: ...ELP WIFI http 10 10 10 31 2 WIFI ROUTER 192 168 0 8 192 168 0 1 16 80 192 168 0 8 80 192 168 0 1 WIFI http 192 168 0 8 3 WIFI WIFI 80 IP 10 10 10 31 IP 80 IP 83 100 100 1 WIFI e g 10 10 10 1 ROUTER 19...

Страница 140: ...solutions frequency converters vlt micro drive htm 18 EVO T 4S 19 EVO T 2S 24 Danfoss FC51 RS485 1 03 0 1 20 1 24 1 25 1 90 4 ETR 3 02 0 000 3 03 Fz max 3 17 3 11 Modbus 4 14 Fz max 4 16 110 0 5 40 6...

Страница 141: ...139 10 5 RS485 Modbus RTU EBM 20 EVO T 4S 21 EVO T 2S 25 EBM 1 2 PE 3 N 0 5 6 1 7 COM 2 8 0 10 10 RSB RS485 MODBUS 11 RSA RS485 MODBUS 12 GND 0 13 10 10 10 1 2 3 5 6 7 10 11 12...

Страница 142: ...60x160 2 8 SSR HE 3 PWM 3 HE 0 10V EVO T COMPACT 6 TK SSR 0 10 EVO T COMPACT 27 EH EVO T COMPACT 3 3x400V 1 18 TK PWM EH M EVO T 18 kW 3 EH EVO T COMPACT 8000 144 2 EH EVO T COMPACT 4100 144 2 3 3x400...

Страница 143: ...141 PWM SSR P3 24 P1 P2 0 10 0 10 N P2 P1 10 1 N 10 6 N 60 N 25 3 P 36 12 Pn 20 Pn 2 DIP 2 PWM P3 PWM N P1st Pn P3 66...

Страница 144: ...142 EVO T EVO T COMPACT 11 2 EH EH EH EH HE HE 8 1 UniAppEVO T EH EVO T 36 3 54 3 12 12 1 2S EVO T 4100 1200 9200 EC AC F1M1 2 2S EVO T 1200 9200 EC AC F1M1...

Страница 145: ...143 26 2S 27 2S...

Страница 146: ...144 EVO T EVO T COMPACT 28 EH M 18kW 1 PE_ PE_ Max 18...

Страница 147: ...145...

Страница 148: ...146 EVO T EVO T COMPACT 29 EH M 36 kW 3 Max 12 Max 12 Max 12 PE_ 0 5mm2 blue 0 5mm2 white...

Страница 149: ...147 0 5mm2 0 5mm2 0 5mm2 0 5mm2 0 5mm2 0 5mm2 0 5mm2...

Страница 150: ...148 EVO T EVO T COMPACT 30 4S 31 4S...

Страница 151: ...400 50 EC 0 75 gG6 3x1 5 3x1 5 5x1 5 AC 0 75 gG16 3x1 5 4x1 5 3x4 5x4 AC 1 5 gG25 3x2 5 4x1 5 3x10 5x10 13 2 29 EH M InA 2 14 4 22 5x4 0 21 6 33 5x6 0 32 4 49 5x16 30 InC kW A 2 P 3 6 5 3 4x1 5 3 6 P...

Страница 152: ...3x400V STOPIE I 3x400V STOPIE II 3x400V STOPIE 3x400V do 3 6kW 3 2 1 6 5 4 T T PE 9 8 7 7 2kW 3 6kW 3 6kW EC 144 3 I 3x400V STOPIE 3 2 1 II 3x400V STOPIE 6 5 4 T T PE 9 8 7 III 3x400V STOPIE EC 216 3...

Страница 153: ...151 15 HMI 15 1 HMI Compact 15 1 1 86 86 19 24 10 TFT 240 x 320 RS 485 ELP BACnet MS TP Modbus 20 70 C IP 30 35 15 1 2 36 15 1 4 a 38 15 1 3 37 60 6 4 HMI VAC 24 V AC DC GND 0V A RS485 B RS485...

Страница 154: ...152 EVO T EVO T COMPACT 15 1 5 31 Select 3 Next Prev Edit Back 3 Confirm Cancel Conf 3s 3 15 1 6 HMI 39 15 1 7 Menu HMI HMI HMI OK 3 C 3 HMI HMI 3 p r e v n e x t 3 s 3 select select black b a c k 3 s...

Страница 155: ...153 1 2 3 40 15 1 8 HMI HMI OK C HMI 15 1 9 HMI 3 C Alarms history 41 42...

Страница 156: ...age HMI HMI T sensor offset Menu skin Communication Settings HMI COM SETTINGS HMI MAC address MAC HMI Instance Bus mode PLC Com speed HMI HMI Com parity PLC Com stop bits PLC RS485 MASTER COM SETTINGS...

Страница 157: ...87 x 16 HMI TP7 24 V AC DC 10 3W 1 2W 800x480 px 18 bit multitoutch RS 485 ELP BACnet MS TP Modbus 10 40 C 20 70 C IP 30 193 x 125 x 16 1 24 Vac 2 GND 3 RS485 A 4 RS485 B 24 VAC GND A B VAC GND A B S...


Страница 159: ...157 48 Panel HMI 15 2 6 HMI HMI HMI HMI HMI OK C HMI 15 2 7 SLIDEBAR ALARMS Alarms history 49 50 ON OFF...

Страница 160: ...MI Alarms 1st page HMI HMI T sensor offset Menu skin HMI COM SETTINGS HMI MAC address MAC HMI Instance Bus mode PLC Com speed HMI HMI Com parity PLC Com stop bits PLC RS485 MASTER COM SETTINGS RS 485...

Страница 161: ...159 16...

Страница 162: ...160 EVO T EVO T COMPACT...

Страница 163: ......

Страница 164: ...ograniczon odpowiedzialno ci 81 035 Gdynia ul Boles awa Krzywoustego 5 tel 48 58 783 99 99 e mail klimor klimor com KLIMOR zastrzega sobie prawo do wprowadzania zmian KLIMOR reserves the rights to int...
