C) Playing
Load Sequence
A Sequence can be loaded in two
ways. A Sequence is loaded
by pressing a Patch Button 1-8 while
in Page 2. The Sequence that is stored
under the Patch button selected will
be loaded to memory
A Sequence can be assigned to a
Patch and can load
when the Patch is loaded. To do this
place the Sequence number 1-8 in the
Load Sequence Field in the Patch
Parameter Editing (midi editing only)
or save the Patch with the sequence
running. Place a zero in this field if you
do not want a Sequence to load. The
last Sequence will stay in memory and
continue to play (if enabled) in this
If you press the SAVE button the
indicator will light up and the data
written into the sequencer will be
The first note of the sequence
will only sound once a clock has been
This allows a seq to be
queued to start. When all the notes are
played the data will return to the
beginning and be played again from
the start. Pressing the SAVE button
once more (it's indicator will go out)
will stop playing immediately. The
tempo of the playing will be
determined by the clock source. If the
clock source is the Internal Clock then
the tempo will be set by the LFO Rate
Slider while the Key Transpose button
is being pressed. The Rate Knob will
have no effect if the clock source is
anything other than the Internal clock.
* If you stop the Sequence part
way through and then restart it
the data will start from the
* If you wish to only play the data
once, put some rests are the
end so it is easier to stop the
sequence in the correct place.
Playing notes while a sequence is
playing will set the Sequencer Key
Transpose. It is therefore a simple
matter to change the Sequencer key
up or down. The transpose range is
-1 octave to + 2 octaves
Note - If a new sequence or Patch is
loaded while a sequence is playing
the load of the Patch and Seq and
pattern will delay until the current
sequence reaches the end and is
about to loop back to the start. At this
point the Patch and Sequence (if auto
load enabled) and Pattern (if auto
load enabled) will then load and the
next note(s) to sound will be with the
new selection.
If the Sequencer is on (SAVE light on)
when a Patch is saved the Sequencer
will be switched on and the currently
selected sequence will begin to play
when the Tone is loaded. If the Seq is
off when a Patch is saved the Seq
state will be unaltered when that
Patch is loaded. Saving the Patch
with the sequence on will also load
the current playing sequence into the
Load Sequence parameter in the
Patch. The effect of this is that the
Sequence will load & begin to play
when the Patch is loaded.
Kiwi-106 Upgrade User Manual v204