Liability and How to Use this Manual
This product is a hydraulic device to control the operation of power chuck installed on the
lathes or rotary tables. For any other applications, please contact us.
Our company will not assume responsibility for injury, death, damage, or loss resulting from
not following the instructions in this manual.
There are countless things that cannot or should not be done, and it is impossible to cover
all of them in this manual.
Therefore, do not perform any actions unless they are specifically allowed in this manual. If
any questions related to safety arise about operation, control, inspection and maintenance
which are not specified in this manual, please confirm them with our company or distributor
before performing them.
Guarantee and Limitation of Liability
The guarantee period of this product is 1 year after delivery.
Use the parts delivered by Kitagawa Corporation for all the parts including consumable
parts. We will not assume responsibility for injury, death, damage, or loss caused by usage
of parts not manufactured by Kitagawa Corporation. Additionally, if parts other than genuine
parts manufactured by Kitagawa Corporation are used, this guarantee will be completely
The chuck and cylinder from Kitagawa Corporation should be used together. If you must
use a part not made by Kitagawa, check with us or our distributor to be sure it is safe to do
so. We will not be responsible for injury, death, damage or loss caused by use of a chuck
or cylinder made by another company unless this use has been approved by Kitagawa or
its distributor.