The battery is in the state of charging.
The battery is in full charge or the charger
is not connected with the battery.
Flashing red
Ready for charging.
The battery temperature is abnormal.
The battery is damaged and unable to
be charged.
) Connect the power adapter with
the battery charger. Plug the
adapter into an AC wall outlet
and the indicator turns green.
) Put Place the battery or
transceiver into the charger slot.
The indicator turns red or flashes,
then the charger gets in the state
o f c h a r g i n g a u t o m a t i c a l l y .
Charging time depends on
battery capacity. When battery is
fully charged the indicator turns
1) The battery is not fully charged in the factory, and probably
the new battery is falsely indicated as full charge. Before
the initial use, please charge the new battery continuously
for 4~7 hours.
2) The charger will stop charging and the indicator turns
yellow if the charger detects the battery is damaged or if
the temperature of the battery is too high (higher than 50
for Ni-MH battery or 40
for Li-ion battery).
3) Do not charge the battery longer than the specified time.
And do not charge the battery again if it is charged fully,
otherwise, its life will be shortened or it will be
To install the battery pack:
1) Match the 3 bulges of the
b a t t e r y p a c k w i t h t h e
corresponding holes at the rear
bottom of the transceiver;
2) Then firmly press the battery
pack downwards to lock it in
place until a click is heard.
Installing/Removing the Battery Pack