© MMXIX Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 190625006
SuperFlow® 350 Regulator
SuperFlow® 350 Regulator & Exhaust System Post Dive Cleaning & Sanitizing
Remove the valve seats and valves. Remove the
tie wrap holding the water dump components in
place, then remove the valve, seat and sealing O-
6) Using the soap solution, wet the exhaust
valves, water dump valve, the valve seats and all
surfaces exposed to the diver’s exhaled breath.
The water dump valve can be difficult to see so
take extra care to be sure it is cleaned. Agitate
surfaces with the rag and/or brush, then rinse
with freshwater.
Make sure the solution flows through the rear of
the regulator where the oral nasal mask attaches
to the mount nut. This will help to ensure the ex-
haust valve in the regulator gets cleaned.
7) After cleaning with soap solution, carefully in-
spect everything that has been cleaned for any
signs of deterioration or damage. Replace any
components in question.
Inspect the exhaust valves on a regular basis.
1.1.2 Sanitizing
Sanitizing is done to minimize the spread of
germs. The helmet should be sanitized daily
when used by one diver, and between dives when
used by multiple divers.
To maximize germ killing action, all internal sur-
faces that come in contact with exhaled breath
need to be thoroughly wetted with the sanitizing
solution and kept wet for at least ten minutes
then thoroughly rinsed.
See "1.3 General Cleaning & Inspec-
tion Procedures" on page GENPRE-4 for detailed
sanitization instructions.
1.1.3 Post Dive Reassembly
1) Wipe clean the surfaces where the parts will
fit, make sure all parts are clean, then re-install
the water dump components. Do not lubricate
any of the parts. Parts must be installed dry.
2) Reinstall the oral nasal mask onto the regu-
lator mount nut, then lightly lubricate the nose
block shaft with silicone. Install and secure by
wrapping the knob with a rag, tightening with
pliers while holding the padded end.
Lightly tighten the packing nut. Tighten only
enough so that it cannot be loosened by hand.
3) Install the microphone into the oral nasal
mask. Reinstall the oral nasal valve body and
valve. Check to make sure the oral nasal valve is
installed so the valve opens into the mask.
4) Reinstall both whisker valves ensuring the
valves open outward away from the regulator
body. They must be installed in the correct ori-
The exhaust valve inserts must be
installed in the correct orientation in
exhaust main body. If the inserts are
installed backwards, the diver will be
unable to exhale. This could lead to
suffocation and death.
The exhaust valves must be correctly
installed in the exhaust valve inserts
or they will not seal correctly. This
could lead to a backflow of water into
the helmet, which could expose the
diver to any contaminants that are in
the surrounding water. Depending on
the contaminants, this could lead to
serious personal injury or death.
5) Install the left and right whiskers then inspect
and install the tie wraps or whisker clamps.