AsseMbly & oPerAtIon
30. Secure the canister filter dust bag (A) Fig.19 to the bottom of the canister
filter using the retaining strap (B).
31. Install the air inlet (A) Fig.20 to the intake housing (B). Secure the air inlet
using the pan head screw (C).
MAgnetIc swItcH
The magnetic switch (A) Fig.21 is located on the right column. The ON button
(B) turns the cyclone dust collector motor “ON”. This magnetic switch is
equipped with an Emergency Twist OFF (Stop) button (C) which turns the
cyclone dust collector motor “OFF”.
To reset the magnetic switch and to turn the machine on again, first push the
Emergency Twist OFF (Stop) button in, then twist it clockwise until it pops out.
The magnetic switch ON button will only work once the OFF button has
popped out.
usIng tHe reMote control
This Cyclone Dust Collector comes with a remote (A) Fig.22 which can be
used to turn the machine On or Off.
Note: The remote will not work until the Emergency Twist Off (Stop) button on
the magnetic switch is twisted clockwise and has popped out. The remote will
only work once the Emergency Twist Off (Stop) button has poped out.
To turn the machine On, press the green button (B) Fig.22. To turn the
machine Off, press the red button (C).
FIgure 19
FIgure 20
FIgure 21
FIgure 22