Physical key locations defined by
Location Tokens
There are 168 physical key locations which can be custom programmed to trigger a macro or output a
different key action (two discrete layers, each with 84 full and half
size keys).
Note: Only the Program Key and the Keypad Key cannot be custom programmed.
Each of these 168 locations have been given a unique
Location Token
for custom programming. Location
Tokens vary depending on whether you are programming in QWERTY or Dvorak, meaning that Dvorak
typists can now program in
Dvorak, rather than having to translate key locations from QWERTY. The
same Location Token is used, but it refers to a different position on the keyboard. In most cases, the Location
Token is simply the basic, unshifted action for that key.
However, certain key locations must be defined by
Kinesis using a multi
character token.
Note: The prefix
is added to the token for duplicate keypad layer
Location tokens are static and don
t change based on custom key remaps. See Appendix 13.1 for a
map of the Location Tokens for QWERTY and Dvorak.
Electronic key actions defined by
Action Tokens
The Advantage2 supports all of the basic keyboard actions with which you are familiar (e.g., letters, numbers,
editing keys, modifiers, etc.) as well as several actions that you may not be familiar with (e.g., multimedia
controls, the Windows Menu, etc.). Each of these actions has been assigned a corresponding
Action Token
Since most Location Tokens were defined by the underlying action, they are frequently identical to that Action
Token. See Appendix 13.1 for a dictionary of the Action Tokens.
Note: Action Tokens are the same for both QWERTY and Dvorak.
Using USB decimal code in lieu of Action Tokens
In many cases the appropriate USB HID decimal code (but not USB hex code) can be substituted in place of
the Kinesis
defined Action Token. The USB HID code can be found in a document like the Universal Serial
Bus (USB) HID Usage Tables.
Example: Remap Enter key to perform
Numeric keypad Enter
using USB decimal code 88:
[enter]>[88] or [enter]>[088].
Case sensitivity and capitalization
Location and Action Tokens are NOT case sensitive. The keyboard
s firmware will recognize both the upper
and lower case version of a token. Capitalizing a token does NOT produce the capital action. For example,
the code [q]>[a] and [Q]>[A] both produce a lower case
Capital letters are treated by all USB keyboards
as a
version of the underlying key action. See below.
Shifted actions
It should be noted that with respect to Action Tokens, there are NOT separate tokens for characters/symbols
that traditionally appear as
actions. For example, the token for the 1/! key is simply [1]. There is no
token for an exclamation mark since it is simply the shifted action of the 1/! key. Consequently there is no way
to obtain a shifted character/symbol via remapping.
If you would like to program the keyboard to directly output a shifted character/symbol or capital letter (i.e.,
without manually holding Shift or Caps Lock), you will need to create a macro using either via Program Macro
Mode or via Direct Editing (see Syntax Examples 6 & 7).
Remaps encoded differently than macros
Macros and remaps are encoded slightly differently but they use the same underlying Location and Action
tokens. The keyboard differentiates between macro code and remap code based on the style of bracket
around the token. Both the Location and Action Tokens must have the correct bracket type to be read
correctly by the firmware.