Installation, Operation & Maintenance Guide
Model: PO, PC
"V" Packing Box Assembly Option
1. Insert stem through lower end of cage, then through
spring, and then through follower.
2. Slide male packing expander (D) over stem with flat
end toward follower.
3. Apply grease to upper end of stem.
4. Carefully install one black "V" ring (C) over end of stem
with open part of "V" going onto stem first. The ring will
easily fit over grooved portion of stem. To fit ring onto
main portion of stem, lean it to one side and turn ring
while pressing it onto stem. See Fig.12-5
5. Install the second black "V" (C) ring followed by the
white "V" ring (D) in the same way you installed the first
black ring.
6. Slide female packing expander (A) over stem with open
"V" groove going onto stem first.
7. Apply grease to outside of packing rings, and push
assembly into stuffing box.
8. Screw cage into stuffing box.
9. Screw seat into cage.
See Fig. 12-6
The stuffing box assembly can now be installed into the
Never remove stem from packing without first removing
the cage from the stuffing box. There must be no
compression force on the packing from the spring while
the stem is being removed or installed.
Fig. 12-6
Fig. 12-5