LED2 - Gain Match Status
LED 2 indicates Left/Right Channel gain matching
Solid: On
Blinking: Off
Hold the KEY button for 10 seconds
LED4 - Exit the Menu
Hold the KEY button for 1 second to exit the menu
Line-Output Conversion
After Auto Setup is complete, use the Output Gain
to match the output voltage of the KEYLOC to the
input sensitivity voltage of your amplifier. If you’re not
using gain match capable electronics or a voltmeter/
voltmeter, listening for audible distortion is always the
next best way to set your gain.
Sending a high voltage signal to your amplifier when
possible is always the best practice. To set the
Output Gain, turn the KEYLOC Output Gain and the
input gain of your amplifier all the way down. With
audio playing, turn the KEYLOC Output Gain up until
you have achieved your desired volume level or you
begin to hear distortion, then reduce the Output Gain
until it’s gone.