KEY button until all LEDs are illuminated. Release the
KEY button and the unit will restart. Your KEYLOC is
now reset back to factory.
Error Codes
If the power LED and any combination of LEDs begin
to blink, it indicates an error in the setup process.
press the KEY button to reset the device.
LEDs 1, 2, 3, 4 - ON
Unable to find the noise floor. This indicates there
is too much signal, or it is too noisy. This usually
happens when the Noise Floor track is not playing
before beginning Step 7.
LEDs 2, 3, 4 - or 1, 3, 4 - ON
Unable to interpret frequency response. This usually
indicates the input is clipping or it is too noisy.
Navigating the Menu:
After the Auto setup process has completed, you’ll
be able to navigate the KEYLOC menu using the KEY
button and LEDs. To enter the menu, press and hold
the KEY button for 4 seconds. You will see the LEDS
sweep 1-4 - release the KEY button. Quick-press the
KEY button to cycle through the menu options:
LED1 - Allpass or Time-Delay defeat ON/OFF
Solid: Time-Delay correction is active
Blinking: Time-delay/allpass defeated
Press and hold the KEY button for 2 seconds to
toggle defeat ON/OFF