7.1.w - MIDI Information
The Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapter supports the following MIDI clocking modes: x1, x16,
x32, and x64. This means that if you have a MIDI device that uses any of these clocking modes,
your MIDI device should work with the Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapter.
However, due to the different implementations of the MIDI standard, some devices may not
compatible with the USB Twin Serial Adapter. Please contact your MIDI device and/or software
manufacturer for compatibility of their products with the USB Twin Serial Adapter or contact
Keyspan for more information.
Currently, Keyspan only supports Mark of the Unicorn's FreeMIDI software.
Keyspan:USB Twin Serial Adapter for Mac OS-v1.9 User Manual
This User Manual applies to the Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapter Software for Mac OS.
(rev 02may12JA)
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