Keysight InfiniiVision 1000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
noise, adding to waveform generator
noise, high-frequency,
noise, low-frequency,
noisy signals,
non-volatile memory, secure erase,
normal acquisition mode,
Normal trigger mode,
number of bits, UART/RS232,
Nyquist frequency,
Nyquist sampling theory,
operators, math,
options, print,
oscilloscope bandwidth,
oscilloscope bandwidth required,
oscilloscope clock,
oscilloscope rise time,
oscilloscope sample rate,
output load expected, waveform
output, Gen Out,
overlay, localized,
Overshoot measurement,
overvoltage category,
parity, UART/RS232,
passive probes, compensating,
pattern trigger,
peak detect acquisition mode,
Peak-peak measurement,
Period measurement,
persistence, clearing,
persistence, infinite,
Phase measurement,
phase X cursor units,
PNG file format,
polarity, CAN,
polarity, UART/RS232,
pollution degree,
pollution degree, definitions,
position, external trigger waveform,
power consumption,
power cord connector,
power requirements,
power supply,
power switch,
print options,
print, landscape,
print, Quick Print,
printer selection,
printer, USB,
printing the display,
probe attenuation,
probe attenuation, external trigger,
probe check,
probe compensation,
probe options,
probe units,
probes, connecting to oscilloscope,
probes, passive, compensating,
protect, user calibration,
pulse waveform generator output,
pulse width trigger,
Quick Action key,
Quick Clear Display,
Quick Freeze Display,
Quick Help,
Quick Help language,
Quick Mask Statistics Reset,
Quick Measure All,
Quick Print,
Quick Print quick action,
Quick Recall,
Quick Save,
quick save to USB storage device,
Quick Trigger Mode,
radians, FFT (Phase) vertical units,
ramp waveform generator output,
random noise,
range, external trigger,
ratio X cursor units,
ratio Y cursor units,
raw acquisition record,
rear panel connectors,
re-arm time, segmented memory,
recall mask files,
recall setups,
recall, Quick Recall,
Rectangular FFT window,
Ref key,
reference waveforms,
reference, vertical expansion,
remote control,
required oscilloscope bandwidth,
restart condition, I2C trigger,
Rise time measurement,
rise time, oscilloscope,
rise time, signal,
rise/fall edge transition time trigger,
roll time mode,
RS232/UART serial bus
run acquisitions,
Run Control keys,
run until, mask test,
safety warning,
sample point, CAN,
sample point, LIN,
sample rate,
sample rate and memory depth,
sample rate, oscilloscope,
sampling theory,
sampling, overview,
save file,
save segment,
save setup files,
save times, data,
Save to USB key,
save, Quick Save,
Save/Recall key,
saver, screen,
saving data,
screen image, saving,
screen saver,
secure erase,