Step 7: Installation is Complete
Use the MIMO Demo Tool to run provided waveforms (you must have Keysight Signal Studio license)
Program with:
MIMO Demo Tool source code
Supported driver APIs for the products that comprise your solution
Proceed to program your product by means of the applications programming interface (API) for the supplied
API Overview
IVI Drivers
Keysight's IVI drivers simplify the creation and maintenance of instrument control applications in a variety of
development environments; they allow programmatic control of instrumentation while providing a greater
degree of instrument interchangeability and code reuse. IVI drivers currently come in two basic types: IVI-
COM and IVI-C. Although the functionality offered by both types of drivers is often very similar, the fun-
damental differences in interface technology results in a very different end-user experience. The IVI drivers
support compiling application programs for 32- or 64-bit platforms.
Supported ADEs (application development environments) Arguably the most important consideration in com-
paring IVI-COM and IVI-C drivers is the end user experience in various ADEs. Since IVI-COM drivers are
based on Microsoft COM technology, it's not surprising that IVI-COM drivers offer the richest user experience
in Microsoft ADEs. Users working in Visual C++, Visual C#, Visual Basic.NET, and Visual Basic 6 enjoy a host
of features, such as object browsers, IntelliSense, and context-sensitive help.
When you install the product software, the IVI driver files are installed in the standard IVI Foundation dir-
ectories (for example, C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\IVI\Drivers\AgM9391). Example programs are
provided to demonstrate most driver functionality (for example, C:\Program Files\IVI Found-
ation\IVI\Drivers\AgM9391\Examples). The reference material for the driver functions (a Microsoft HTML
Help .chm file) is installed with the IVI driver and is available for Microsoft Visual Studio's IntelliSense context
linking. In addition, you can directly access the .chm file (AgM9391.chm) from this Start menu location: Start
> All Programs > Keysight IVI Drivers > AgM9391 VSA > Documentation.
LabVIEW Drivers
In addition to the IVI drivers, Keysight provides a LabVIEW driver that includes all the functionality of the IVI-
C driver. When you install the product software, the LabVIEW driver is installed to each LabVIEW instr.lib dir-
ectory for each version of LabVIEW you have on your computer (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\National
Instruments\<LabVIEW version>\instr.lib\<Agilent product model>). If you install LabVIEW drivers before
you install LabVIEW itself, drivers will be installed in the Agilent directory instead of the National Instru-
ments directory (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Agilent\<Agilent product model>\LabVIEW Driver-
\<LabVIEW version>\...). Example programs are provided to demonstrate most driver functionality. The
reference information for the driver (a Microsoft HTML Help .chm file) is also installed with the driver and the
content is available from LabVIEW's Context Help window. In addition, you can directly access the chm file
(AgM9391 LabVIEW_Help) from this Start menu location: Start > All Programs > Keysight > AgM9391
LabVIEW Help.
LTE/LTE-A Multi-Channel Reference Solution