Keyscan Inc. A Member of the Kaba Group
Installation Steps …cont’d
From Program via IP Address or Serial Port, select the port on the PC/laptop that has
the serial connection with the CIM/NETCOMP.
Select the baud rate that corresponds to the J16 jumper settings or the S2 switch
settings on the control board.
The recommended ACU bit/s (baud rate) is 57,600
Leave Ethernet Connection Type set on Automatic Negotiation unless the IT
administrator gives a specific setting.
If the NETCOM device experiences network communication difficulties, you may
have to alter the Ethernet Connection Type from automatic negotiation. (The
Ethernet Connection Type is the network speed & duplex setting). Set the
NETCOM so it matches the network equipment setting. If the network equipment
was on an automatic setting, then reconfigure both the network equipment,
which may include routers or switches, and the NETCOM to a matching fixed
speed and duplex setting. As an example, NETCOM = 100 Mbit/Half Duplex –
Network equipment = 100Mbit/Half Duplex.
The Discovery Port 77FE is disabled by default. Keyscan recommends that you leave it
on the default setting. This function is principally for troubleshooting communication
If you de-select the Disable Discovery Port 77FE function (the box does not have
a check mark) the Discover NETCOM Devices function will list the device by its
MAC address and IP address if it is located on the network.
Click on the Program NETCOM button.
The Program NETCOM2B, NETCOM2 & NETCOM2P Boards screen indicates it is waiting
for a NETCOM reset or power cycle. Momentarily place a jumper on the CIM board’s J1
RESET pins; then remove the jumper and wait while the NETCOM is programmed.
If the NETCOM does not program on the 1st attempt, keep the NETCOM Program
Settings screen open and press the F4 key. Click inside the box to the left of
Program Server Address Settings Only so it has a check mark. Ensure the
settings have been retained, including the IP Address, otherwise re-enter them.
Click on the Program NETCOM button. If successful, program the NETCOM one
more time. For additional programming tips, press the F1 key with the Keyscan
NETCOM Program Settings screen open.
When prompted by the NETCOM Program Tool Utility, ensure that you remove the
temporary RS-232 data cable connection from the CIM’s COM2 terminal after the
device has been programmed. Momentarily place a jumper on the NETCOM2P’s RESET
pins and then remove the jumper.
Remove the jumper from J12 on the CIM circuit board.
Place a jumper on J4 on the CIM unit to designate it as CIM 0.
Momentarily place a jumper on the CIM board’s J1 RESET pins to initiate the jumper
change in the preceding step.
Connect a network cable from the RJ45 jack on the NETCOMP to a network terminal.
At the PC/laptop, click on the OK button in the Disconnect the serial cable… screen.
If the PC /laptop has a network connection, verify network communication with the
NETCOMP by selecting the Start Ping button on the Keyscan NETCOM Utility screen.
If the PC/laptop does not have a network connection, close the NETCOM Program
Tool utility, complete any remaining connections for permanent operation, re-
locate to a PC connected to the network and PING the NETCOM2’s IP address
using the Command Prompt. The Average Round Trip Times should be less than
100 milliseconds and the Packets Sent should equal the Packets Received with
0% loss. Continue at step 26.
Continued on the next page...