Keyscan Inc. A Member of the Kaba Group
Manually Configure the NETCOM2P via a Serial
These procedures should only be performed in the event that the NETCOM Program Tool
utility was used to program the NETCOM2P and the device is still failing to communicate.
If this condition does not apply to the NETCOM2P, use the appropriate procedures outlined
in the preceding sections of this installation guide.
These procedures are intended for advanced computer users only.
Keyscan recommends that you review the setup procedures before you actually perform
them so you are familiar with the steps, some of which are intricate and require quick
Depending on the type of NETCOM2P installation, refer to the Temporary Serial
Programming Connection diagrams - NETCOM2P/CIM or NETCOM2P/ACU Control
Board and with the serial data cable establish a connection to the PC laptop with the
NETCOM Program Tool utility.
Ensure you have made the necessary settings as indicated on the respective
temporary serial programming diagrams.
If you reset jumpers on the CIM board when powered, ensure that you
momentarily place a jumper on the J1 RESET pins to re-configure the board
If you reset jumpers or DIP switches on the control board when powered, ensure
that you momentarily place a jumper on the J6 RESET pins or press the S1
switch to re-initialize the control board
Open the NETCOM Program Tool utility and select the Keyscan Hyper Terminal button.
The Comm Port Number is defaulted to port #1. If you are using a different port
connection, select the correct port #.
Leave the baud rate set on 9600. Click on the Open Port button.
If this fails, then you will have to re-open the session and try with the baud rate
set at 57,600.
To enter Setup Mode, reset the NETCOM2P as follows:
NETCOM2P/CIM – momentarily place a jumper on the CIM board’s J1 RESET pins
NETCOM2P/ACU – momentarily place a jumper on the control board’s J6 pins or
press the S1 switch
Within 1 second of the NETCOM2P reset, enter 3 lowercase x characters—xxx.
Tip—The easiest way to enter Setup Mode is to hold down the x key at the
terminal (or emulation) while resetting the unit.
When the Setup Mode window opens, press the Enter key within 5 seconds to enter
setup mode.
Once you reach the Change Setup: prompt, Press 0 for Server setup parameters and
enter the following values for 0 Server and 1 Channel 1 (Keyscan Values)
Go to the next page for setting NETCOM2P values.