Keyscan Inc. A Member of the Kaba Group
Steps to Create Output Names and Specify Output Timers
Select the IOCB Outputs tab.
If you are at the Client main screen, select the Site Management button >
Hardware Setup > select the site if you have multiple sites > double click on the
control unit that is connected to the IOCB1616 in the All Hardware screen >
select the IOCB1616 tab > select the IOCB Outputs tab.
Double click on the IOCB Output # 1 or the first output to be named.
In the text box, enter a name or description appropriate for the output.
If you are applying a delay for this output, double click on the output under the Timer
column, select the symbol and select a delay time from the drop down list. For no
delay select 0 seconds.
Repeat the preceding steps to add additional outputs or continue to the next step if
you have completed naming outputs.
Click on the Save button.
To assign inputs to outputs and set modes select the link below and complete the
instructions or click on the Back button until you are returned to the main screen.