iButton Series Programming Guide
Section: Programming Guide Non-Software
Programming via the keypad of an E4 / E5 lock requires entering the 'Master Code' number for
the lock to allow the lock to enter a programming mode, a 'Function Code' number that lets the
lock know what lock function you wish to program, and then entering the data for that function.
The '#' key is used between these three groups of information to separate them and to inform the
lock when you are finished entering information. This basic format is used for virtually every
programming action.
It is important when programming the lock that the keypad button presses be done promptly one
after another, as hesitating for more than a few seconds between key presses will cause the lock
to 'time out' and reject the entries. Should you make a mistake pressing the correct key while
entering programming, simply press the |*| key to cancel, then start again from the beginning of
that programming command.
also that the lock 'Master code' can never unlock or lock
the E4 / E5 it only allows programming of the lock.
Get Started Programming
A full list of commands and function codes is listed in this guide. However, for most users only a
handful of commands will be required to make the lock operate in the commonly used modes.
Examples of the most common programming are provided at the end of the guide that you may
customize as you wish. That said, much more complex operations are possible if required using
the extended 'Function Codes' in this guide.
The best way for a user to begin programming the lock is to first take the time to write a list of the
desired lock operation, particularly of any schedules required for either automatic lock actions
(auto lock / unlock) as well as a list of user schedules (if any) and desired user entry keypad
codes and / or iButton keys. From this you may pick out the required programming command(s) to
create the lock action you want.
Creating a detailed plan for how you want the lock to operate before attempting lock programming
will avoid later frustration and confusion.
Basic Functions
How to change the 'Master code' (and not delete existing user codes)
Function Code: 11#
{#Master code#}+{11#}+{new master code#}+{new master code#}
Master code can NOT unlock the lock, only program the lock.
How to change the 'Master code' (and delete all existing user codes)
Function Code: 22#
{#Master code#}+{22#}+{new master code#}+{new master code#}
Keyless Enty Locks
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