2.1 Application
According to DIN 4040 and EN 1825, the installation of grease
separators is required wherever oils and fats from animals
and plants are introduced into waster water systems. Un-
collected, oils and fats can cause serious damage to waste-
water piping and private / public waste water treatment
2.2 Separator description
The KESSEL Euro Grease Separator Version G consist of a
grease separator with integrated sludge trap. The separator as
well as the internal components are manufactured from poly-
ethylene (PE).
The separator's upper section(s) are manufactured from poly-
propylene (PP). Due to the smooth, wax like surface of the ma-
terial polyethylene, no additional protective coating is necessary.
The separator is designed to be installed underground at a pre-
determined depth (below the frost level) and with the selected
load class manhole cover (Class A, B or D). Technical data re-
lating to the separator can be found on the metal ID shield loca-
ted on the exterior of the separator body.
2. General