2. Scanning
2-1. Start Scanning
You can start scanning when 1 priority channel and at
least 1 ADD channel, or 2 or more ADD channels are se-
lected. The transceiver must be in the normal receiving
mode (releasing PTT).
Press the key programmed to the scan, the scan starts.
The “SCN” (scan) icon appears on the main display and
“SCAN” or revert channel appears on the 8-digit alphanu-
meric display.
2-2. Stop Scanning
The scan stops temporarily if the following conditions are
1) A carrier is detected, then signalling matches on channel
for which receive the signalling is set by the program-
ming software.
2) A carrier is detected on the channel for which receiving
signalling is not set by the programming software or
when the monitor (signalling cancel) function is activated.
2-3. Types of Scan Channel
1) Priority channel is the most important channel for the
scan, and always detects a signal during scan and when
the scan stops temporarily.
2) Non-priority channels detects a signal during scan and
when scan stops temporarily.
2-4. Setting Priority Channel
Priority channel can be set as follows with the program-
ming software (KPG-59D).
1) Specify priority channel as fixed priority channel.
2) Make selected channels, priority channels.
2-5. Scan Type Depending on the Priority Channel
1) When no priority channels are set : Only the non-priority
channels are scanned.
If the transceiver stops on a non-priority channel, priority
channel is still checked for signals at the specified time
If the transceiver detects a signal on a priority channel, it
pauses at the priority channel and starts receiving the
2) When priority channel is set : Either priority channel is
If a priority channel stops temporarily, it stops until there
is no signal on the priority channel.
2-6. Revert Channel
The revert channel is used to transmit during scanning
and set by the programming software (KPG-59D).
1) Last called channel
The transceiver reverts to the last called channel during
the scan.
2) Last used channel
The transceiver reverts to the last used (transmitted)
channel during scan. “Last used” revert channel in-
cludes talkback function.
3) Selected with talkback
The transceiver reverts to the channel before scanning or
the channel that you changed during scan.
4) Selected channel
The transceiver reverts to the channel before scanning or
the channel that you changed during scan.
While the transceiver pauses scanning, the revert chan-
nel becomes the channel you selected with [CH UP], [CH
DW], [CH1] to [CH5] in the last step.
5) Priority with talkback
The transceiver reverts to the priority channel.
If you press PTT during a resume timer (dropout delay
time, TX dwell time) or calling, you can transmit on cur-
rent channel to answer to the call however revert channel
is set to priority channel.
After resume time, scan re-starts and transmission chan-
nel is return to priority channel.
6) Priority
The transceiver reverts to the priority channel.
2-7. Scan End
When you press the key once again, programmed to the
scan function during scan mode, the scan ends.
The scan icon “SCN” and “SCAN” or revert channel (pro-
grammable) display goes off.
2-8. Temporarily Delete/Add
It is possible to delete or add channel temporarily during
scan. When scan stops on unnecessary channel for ex-
ample by interference of the other party, activate the delete/
add function (for example press the key), then that channel
is deleted temporarily and scan re-start immediately.
When you would like to add the deleted channel tempo-
rarily to scan sequence, select the desired (deleted) channel
during scan, activate the delete/add function (for example
press the key) before scan re-start.
That channel is added temporarily to scan sequence. The
temporary deleted or added channels are returns to pre-set
delete/add, when the transceiver exits from scan mode.
3. Optional Features
You can use these features using the programming soft-
ware (KPG-59D).
3-1. Beep Tones
The beep tones (power on tone, control tone, warning
tone, alert tone) are individually programmable to the fixed
level 0 to 31 or follow the mechanical volume position.
3-2. Minimum Volume
The minimum volume is programmable (0 to 31). The
transceiver remains the minimum volume level however the
mechanical volume position is set to zero.
3-3. BCL (Busy Channel Lockout) Override
You can transmit in spite of Busy Channel Lockout situa-
tion. For example : To make an emergency voice call.
To transmit under busy channel lockout situation, press
PTT once more within approx. 500ms after the PTT release.