@) STEP (FREQ) Key
Used to decrease or increase the frequency.
Used to decrease or increase the output l e v e l .
<§) LEVEL Display
Indicates the output l e v e l .
Output level memory can be stored in these 4 keys.
© Level Unit Selector/Output Impedance Selector Switch
Level unit selector:
To select the output level unit.
EMF dB/z: Using 1
V open voltage as the r e f e r e n c e , the output l e v e l i s
expressed as EMF dB//.
dBm : Using 1 mW, 50Q or 75Q load as the reference, the output level
is expressed as dBm.
Output impedance selector:
When t h e 2nd F key © i s p r e s s e d and second f u n c t ion mode
act i v a t e d , the output impedance can be se l e c t a b l e ( 5 0 Q or
75Q) by pressing t h i s key.
® RF output terminal
RF output terminal with an impedance of 50Q or 75Q.
I f e x t e r n a l e l e c t r i c power i s applied by mistake, the protect ion function
works to turn o f f the output. However, t h i s terminal must not be applied
with 50W or higher power.