1) When s e t t i n g the BIGIN address higher than the END address, f i r s t
set a new END address. Then set the new BIGIN address.
When sett ing the END address lower than the BIGIN address, f i r s t set a
new BIGIN address. Then set the new END address.
The functions indicated i n red under or next to the keys on the front pane 1
operates when the
F key © i s pressed and the second funct ion mode i s
act ivated. For d e t a i I s on each of the second funct ions, r e f e r to Sect ion 3
"Panel Explanation" and Section
"Operating procedures".
When the STO key @ i s pressed followed by the numeric key "3", the output
of the rear panel's RANGE OUTPUT terminal can be altered.
When the c a r r i e r frequency displayed on the FREQUENCY d i s p l a y i s 35--1, the
output i n the range above 35MHz b 5V. Below 35MHz the output becomes
OV. When the c a r r i e r frequency displayed on the FREQUENCY display i s 35--0,
the output i n the range above 35MHz becomes OV. I n the range below 35MHz
the output b5V.
Whenever the STO key and numeric key "3" are pressed, the 3 5 — 1 and 35--0
d i s p l a y s a l t e r n a t e . When the necessary l o g i c i s d i s p l a y e d , press the ENT
key (g) to s e t .
I f the STO key and the numeric key " 1 " a r e pressed, a l 1 the contents
stored i n the RAM wi11 be erased and the u n i t r e t u r n s to the i n i t i a l
Be careful with the numeric key operation when the STO key i s used.
Even when the power i s turned OFF, the s e t t i n g status i n e f f e c t when the power
was turned OFF can be stored in the memory for about three weeks.