Mode Select (default: Kadi)
- selects the operation mode for the unit, options are:
Kadi [kA]
- for use with Kenton Kadi modified drum machines.
Wasp [w]
- for EDP wasp, (lead available from Kenton).
Note [nt]
- Sends a trigger which remains on while the note is depressed.
Inv. Note [n-] - Sends a trigger as above, which is high when off and ground when on.
Trig [tr]
- Sends a trigger pulse, the length of which is defined by parameter ‘f’.
Inv. Trig [t-]
- Sends a trigger as above, which is high when off and ground when on.
Prog [pg]
- As note mode but responds to program changes rather than note numbers.
Clock Pulse Divide Ratio (values d2, d4 & 2 to 24,default:2)
- sets the ratio of MIDI clocks to output pulses from the clock pulse output.
– special drum machine mode – outputs 24 cpqn – used for many drum machines
– special drum machine mode – outputs 48 cpqn – for Linn & Oberheim drum machines
N.B. Some drum machines use other values e.g. the Roland CR78 uses 12 cpqn (div ratio 2)
If set to 2, there will 12 pulses from the clock pulse output for every 24 MIDI clocks = 12 cpqn
If set to 24, there will be 1 pulse from the clock pulse output for every 24 MIDI clocks = 1 cpqn
(Note there are 24 MIDI clocks per quarter note)
Below is a table of values you can set the divide ratio to in order to obtain a clock pulse at various
musical time intervals:-
Note type
Divide ratio
CPQN (clocks per quarter note)
(quarter notes) 24 1
Crotchet triplets 16
(eighth notes) 12 2
Quaver triplets 8
Semiquavers (sixteenths) 6 4
Semiquaver triplets 4 6
Demisemiquavers 3 8
Demisemiquaver triplets 2 12
Clock Polarity(ve / -ve, default: Positive)
- sets whether the clock pulse train starts with a positive going edge or a negative going edge.
Most synths / sequencers & drum machines will want the Positive edge, but a few require the
Negative edge instead. (e.g. Korg Monopoly)
Continue = start - (values on, off, default = off)
- when set to off, MIDI continue messages are ignored. If set to on, then continue messages are
treated as if they were MIDI start messages.