Operating instructions CellaTemp PX 4x 5x 6x
2.4 Laser Radiation Hazard
Laser radiation can be harmful to the eye!
The CellaTemp PX with laser operates with a class 2 red light laser� Direct pro-
longed viewing of a laser beam can injure the retina� Therefore, the following safe-
ty precautions must be strictly observed, otherwise the laser may not be operated!
• Only use the laser to align and focus the pyrometer� Deactivate the laser
immediatley afterwardsAlternatively, the laser will automatically switch off after
2 minutes�
• Never look directly into the laser beam path
• Do not leave the instrument unattended when the laser is activated�
• Do not point th elaser beam at any person
• During pyrometer installation and aligment, make sure to avoid the possibility of
laser reflections caused by reflective surfaces�
• All currently valid laser safety standards must be observed�
Laser power
The laser operates at a wavelength of 630 - 680 nm (visible red light)� The emitted
power of the laser beam at the lens opening is max� 1�0 mW� Under normal operat-
ing conditions, the emitted radiation does not present a danger to human skin� This
laser product is classified according to laser class 2, EN60825-1, IEC60825-1�
Laser Warning Label
The black and yellow laser warning label is affixed next to nameplate of the instru-
ment� An arrow indicates the laser emission path (lens opening)�