Operating instructions CellaTemp PX 4x 5x 6x
Limit 1 (
Before beginning the measurement, the temperature
reading must have been lower than Limit 1 at least
If Autoreset (A�RST=ON) the limit 1 will be ignored
Limit 2 (
Limit 2 must be exceeded at least fort he duration of
time delay
Time delay (
See above
When the conditions are fulfilled, the sampling time can begin� (T�ACT)�
Sampling time
During the sampling time the temperature is detected
and stored as a temperature value�
If the parameter T�ACT= 0 automatically the end of the discontinuous
process is detected� At the parameter T�ACT instead of the time „auto“ is
The parameter (ANO) defines the temperature emitted during the measuring time�
Display mode (
t=0“ displays the lower temperature range limit during
the measurement� „T�HLD“ indicates the previous tem-
perature reading during the current measurement�
As an option, the green Status LED can light up or the digital output can be used
to indicate sampling�
When the sampling time has ended, an average value is calculated for recorded
measuring cycles� The temperature reading is weighted with the previously saved
average value and added�
Weighted average
Factor for average weighting� If you choose 100%,
averaging will be off�
The smaller you set the F-PR factor, the stronger the weighting will be�
When the averaging function is activated (F-PR <100%) a plausibility check will
be performed� The difference in temperature between the current reading and
the previously stored average is established� If the difference is higher than the
plausibility threshold TSP, the transmitted data will be „0“ and the average value
will remain unchanged�