その他̲p63-65.qxd 06.7.21 10:49 AM ページ63
●Remote Auto Lock cannot be set when the A1407PT powered off,
or is located outside of the service range, or if the signal reception
function off.
Remote Auto Lock
There is a risk when a cellphone is lost or left unattended by error,
that another person handles it and gets hold of private information.
To prevent this, Remote Auto Lock a way to lock your phone
so that others cannot access its contents.
Trigger Condition of the Remote Auto Lock
You may set the auto lock function by making repeated calls to your A1407PT from
a pre-set telephone number, within the pre-set slot of time. Auto lock function can
be set when the phone is operating on normal mode. For details, please refer to
“How to use the Remote Auto Lock”on the attached “Manual”.
Triggering the Remote Auto Lock
Make a call from the registered phone number,
within the period of time specified when you set
up following
How to set a function condition
for Remote Auto Lock
to your A1407PT.
When you make a specific number of calls, the phone will be
locked and this will be confirmed by a guidance voice message.
Other Features