You can register up to 3 persons out of the phone book as a Pair
Partner, and can call them or send E-Mail to them quickly.
One Touch Keys let you make calls to a Pair Partner very easily.
Press when the
standby screen is
Press (Add).
Select the person you
would like to register as
a Pair Function, and
press (Reg.).
Registering Pair Partner
Pair Function/One Touch Keys
●A Pair Partner have to be already registered on your Address Book.
●In order to cancel Pair Partner registration, please follow the below procedure.
When the standby screen is displayed, →Select the Pair Partner you
would like to cancel→ (Cancel)→Select [Yes]
●If you erase a Pair Partner entry from the Address Book, this personʼs
Pair Function registration will be deleted as well.
●A Pair Partner 1 〜 3 correspond to One Touch Keys 〜 .
When more than one phone numbers or
E-Mail addresses are registered, you will
be asked to choose which phone number/
E-Mail address you would like to register with the Pair Function.
How to register a Pair Partner
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Pair Function/One Touch Keys