WESII User Manual
Copyright © KBC Networks 2014
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EMEA firmware version
It is the responsibility of the user to operate the system under the local regulatory
domain requirements. KBC Networks recommends researching the regulations prior to
deploying a license free wireless system.
Local AP – Wireless Security
The Local AP section is used to configure the Host/AP as an Access Point in order to
connect using a laptop/PC via WiFi connection. If the Host/AP is a single point Host/AP, it
cannot connect to a WESII Client and a computer client at the same time due to the
remote Client MAC lock. For a computer to obtain access via WiFi AP, the laptop/PC must
be configured to the security (WPA2) and cipher type (AES is default configuration)
selected. The SSID will appear in the computer’s available APs list unless “Hide SSID” is
selected. Once the WESII Host/AP is selected the WPA Pre-shared Key must be entered
as the AP password. The default configuration is 11111111 but it can be set to any
desired pre-shared key.