In addition to 100 on-board Concert Magic songs, you can play
additional Concert Magic songs from a floppy disk. The Z1000
companion learning materials, "Music to Go", contain 20 Concert
Magic songs under the title "Appetizer". Other Concert Magic
Keep tapping a key at a steady tempo. Melody Play songs are
also easy to perform if they are familiar to you. Press a key in
the rhythm of the melody. Songs requiring more skill range in
difficulty from moderately difficult to difficult. Tap out the
rhythm of both the melody and the accompaniment. You might
need a little practice to become familiar with the arrangement.
There are also 2 modes in which to perform the Concert Magic
songs. The F4 button toggles the mode between "Auto" and
Auto mode automatically controls the note duration regardless of
the user's key control. In this mode, the Z1000 sustains the
sound until you play the next note. The music, as a result, is
always played "legato", or smoothly. This mode is more for
beginners and small children who do not need to learn key
control yet.
In a "Legato" mode, the notes you play will produce sound as
long as you hold a key down. When you release it, the keyboard
stops the sound. You must play smoothly from one note to the
next to avoid breaking the melodic line. You could, on the other
hand, play "staccato" (short notes) if you press and release a
key quickly. You are in complete control of note durations,
enabling delicate expression in performance.
D. Playing a Song From a Concert Magic Disk
Concert Magic