Page39... Insertion explanations of M.Wheel CC# and Left Pedal Mode
6.3.8 Left Pedal Mode
This parameter determines if the Left Pedal function is
Soft or Sost(Sostenuto).
Soft: The Left pedal works as a Soft pedal. (Default)
When the Rotary EFX is in use,the Soft pedal changes
function to a Fast/Slow Rotor switch.
Sost: The Left pedal works as a Sostenuto pedal.
When the Damper setting(See page36) is Off or Norm,
the sostenuto pedal works with natural decay. When the
Damper setting is Hold, the sostenuto pedal works with a steady sustain
6.3.7 Modulation Wheel Control Change Number
This parameter allows you to assign different Control Change Numbers to the
Modulation Wheel.
Control Change numbers 0-119 can be assigned to the Modulation Wheel.
The following Control Change Numbers will affect the Internal sounds
when they are assigned to the Modulation Wheel.
1. Modulation Wheel (MOD)
7. Volume (VOL)
10. Pan (PAN)
11. Expression Controller (EXP)
64. Damper Pedal (HLD)
66. Sostenuto (SST)
67. Soft Pedal (SFT)
Page34... Insertion explanations of Velocity Switch Value
Velocity Switch = Loud
Velocity Switch Value = 1
In settings of above, It is possible to press a key very softly and hear no
sound. This is the same as an acoustic piano.