SMARTair. SMARTair mobile.
Guarantee conditions
Under valid KaVo EWL delivery and payment conditions, KaVo EWL gives a guarantee of satisfactory function and freedom from faults in
material and manufacture for the duration of 6 months from the date of sale certified by the vendor. After expiry of the warranty, KaVo gives
a guarantee of another 6 months for damage attributable to deficiencies in the material or in manufacture.
In the case of justifiable complaints, KaVo EWL shall supply spare parts or carry out repairs free of charge. KaVo EWL accepts no liability
for defects and their consequences which have arisen or could have arisen as a result of natural wear, improper handling, cleaning or main-
tenance, noncompliance with the maintenance, operating and connecting instructions, corrosion, impurities in the air supply or chemical or
electrical influences which are unusual or not admissible in accordance with KaVo's instructions. The guarantee shall become null and void
if defects or their consequences can be attributed to interventions in or modifications to the product. Guarantee claims can only be validated
if they are notified immediately in writing to KaVo EWL.