Remote Control Function Buttons
Select Favourites list
Select transparency
setting for OSD menus
Arrow buttons
Select submenus and
menu options, scroll
through EPG or
channel list
Mute on/off
Audio mode,
Channel Arrangement
ON mode,
channel number input,
parental control
Not used
OFF mode
Select main menu
Select last channel,
EXIT (quit menus
and submenus)
Info/Help button,
signal and
channel parameters
Confi rm submenus and
menu options, select
last four channels
Radio ON/OFF,
Channel Arrangement
Switching between TV
and DVB-T mode,
Channel Arrangement/Pool
Channel Selection
Controls, Displays and Connections
Select timer menu,
transfer a programme
from the EPG to the timer
menu, delete channels
from the main list, delete
new but unwanted
channels after a scan
Mark channels with “?” in
main list (parental control)
The button symbols presented here can also be found in the description
of the operating steps.