Configuration manual Reader
Modifications, misprints and errors excepted.
The RRU4 Kathrein UHF RFID reader system is characterised by great flexibility in addressing RFID applications.
One reason for this is the wide variety of reading devices from the Kathrein product portfolio, which are compatible
with each other and permit optimum configuration to the application. A further reason for the high flexibility
is the wide range of parameters for configuring the reader firmware. This configuration manual explains the
various configuration parameters and give instructions on how to make the optimum parameter settings for the
application of your Kathrein RFID reader.
A configuration parameter of the RRU4 reader system consists of a 32-bit long identification number (ID) and a
data part which is 8 to 32 bits depending on the parameter. The data part is referred to below as the “parameter
value” or just the “value”. The ID allows the various parameters to be read or set in the reader system.
Each ID – and hence each configuration parameter – stands for a special functionality within the reader system.
Structure of the configuration IDs
The ID of a configuration parameter is not selected arbitrary, rather it contains information about the respective
configuration parameter. The ID of a configuration parameter contains the following information:
the configuration group to which the parameter belongs
a sequential number to differentiate parameters within a group
the data type (byte, word, etc.) of the value
the number of data bytes in the value
whether the value of the parameter is signed (are negative values possible)
the unit of the value
For ease of handling the configuration parameters are addressed by their plain text names. The plain text name
begins with “cfgid” followed by the name of the configuration group. This includes the function name of the
parameter. That is the part that clearly states the function/use of the configuration parameter. For example:
Configuration parameter “cfgidTagCommIntelligentWrite”
initial code
Name of the configuration group
“IntelligentWrite” Function name of the parameter
For more details about the structure of the ID or the naming of configuration parameters, see the file “konfigids.h” in
the source files for the programming environment of the RRU4 reader system.
For programmers:
This file contains macros in the programming language “C”, which offers you the facility in your
programming environment to address the configuration parameters by their plain text names. The plain text name is
then translated into the respective configuration ID at compile time.
The parameter sets
The configuration of an RFID reader of the RRU4 reader system is organised in parameter sets. Each reader has
eight parameter sets. Apart from one exception (“cfgidGlobalDefaultParamset”) all the configuration parameters
listed below are represented in every parameter set. The use of parameter sets allows an RFID reader to switch
from one configuration to another with only one command. The parameter set selected is then designated
the “active parameter set”. Reading and writing configuration parameters using the protocol commands
“GetParameterById” and “SetParameterById” is always performed on the active parameter set. When the active
parameter set is changed it can be saved into the reader's EEPROM using “SaveActiveParamset”, and thus is
available again when the reader is restarted. Changing over between parameter sets is performed using the
command “SetActiveParamset”.