creates list of objects that will not be scanned for viruses.
saves backup copies of objects to a special storage before disinfecting,
deleting or blocking the object for the consequent restoring which pre-
vents the loss of data. Configurable filters allow to easily locate the origi-
nal copies of objects.
notifies user requesting an object that contains malicious code.
notifies about the results of the anti-virus object scan, anti-virus database
updates, report creation, forthcoming expiration of the license and change
of the application status by launching external programs including scripts
written by the administrator. This feature allows the administrator to setup
notifications about the above events in a most convenient way.
updates the anti-virus database from internet or from the local folder ei-
ther in the manual or automatic mode. Internet updates can be performed
from the Kaspersky Lab's FTP and HTTP internet servers.
Anti-virus scan and disinfection of infected objects are per-
formed based on the records of the
anti-virus database
contains description of all currently known viruses, methods
used for the disinfection of objects infected with these viruses
and description of potentially dangerous programs (riskware).
As new viruses are created daily, it is extremely important
that you maintain your anti-virus database up-to-date.
The anti-virus database at the Kaspersky Lab's servers is
updated on an
basis. We recommend that you update
your anti-virus database with the same frequency (see
Chapter 6, page 51).
Maintains events log and creates reports about the results of the anti-
virus scan on a regular basis
The application allows creating reports us-
ing built-in templates at the required time interval.
Allows configuring application settings depending on the intensity and the
nature of the traffic as well as the characteristics of the hardware installed
(amount of RAM, speed, number of processors, etc.).
Manages license keys
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.5 for Check Point
includes the following
Security server
that provides the anti-virus functionality and updating of
the anti-virus database and includes administrative services for remote
management, configuring and ensuring the integrity of the application and
of the data stored.
Management Console
that provides the user interface for managing the
administrative services of the application and allows installing the applica-
tion, configuring settings and managing the server component. The man-