Kanguru Remote Management Capability
Kanguru Defender Basic+ flash drives can be remotely managed using the Kanguru Remote Management
Console (KRMC). KRMC is a web-based application that gives administrators a complete USB
management and security system.
With KRMC you will be able to:
Remotely delete all data on a target drive
Schedule remote actions for present or future times
Locate devices via IP address (IP Address / network location)
Locate devices via hostname
Create remote policy modifications like:
Password Strength and Length (e.g. 10 characters: 2 upper, 2 numbers, etc)
Limit Invalid Login Attempts (e.g. 3 retries before drive is wiped)
Rate at which password should be changed (e.g. every 30, 60, or 90 days)
Change user password
Create user groups
KRMC Compatibility
There are two versions of KRMC that you can use to manage your drives:
KRMC Enterprise Edition
- KRMC is hosted on the customer’s own server
KRMC Cloud
- KRMC is hosted on a Kanguru server
The Kanguru Defender Basic+
is compatible with both KRMC
Enterprise Edition
as well as
For more information about KRMC, visit: