Assemble the control horn in the
rudder. Install the tail wheel “T” 2 ¼-
inches behind the hinge line. Install
the tail wheel control springs. With a
razor knife cut the covering over the
cable exit slots.
Fabricate one end of each pull-pull
cable. Pass the cable through the
collar, then through the hole on the
end of the coupler and back through
the collar. Crush the collar with pliers
and add a drop of CA.
Install the rudder servo attach the
cables. Run the cables through the
slots at the rear of the fuselage. Some
modelers like to cross the cables
others do not. The choice is yours.
Fabricate the rudder end of the cable
in the same way. Adjust the cables so
that with the servo and rudder on
center there is no free play. Do not
over tighten the cables.
Exit slot
Drill a 1/8-inch hole in each elevator
half for the control horn. Locate the
hole 1 ¾-inch out and 3/8-inch back
from the hinge line.
1 3/4-inch
Install the elevators with the same
procedure used on the rudder hinges.
Install the medium length control
horns with the provided screws and
top plates. It may be necessary to drill
through the hinge for the horns.