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Model 5
Schauer Smart Charger
Best battery charger you can have, available from Kangaroo
Golf. Leave charger connected continuously to your battery
-- even for months! Extends battery life, automatically
reduces input voltage during maintenance mode. Tends
battery with safe minimal amperage.
-- Item SCBC Battery Charger
X-Gel Deep Cycle Battery
Maintenance-free gel cell battery. Lasts longer:
permanently sealed valves keep the six battery
cells properly pressurized and prevents oxygen
contamination. Comfortable, retractable handle.
Engineering tests prove cost-per-round will be
less than inferior batteries. 5 x 7 1/2 x 6 inches.
You must use at least a 31 amp-hour, 12-volt battery
on Kangaroo motorcaddies.
-- Item BATPA Battery
Sand & Seed
Repair divots to help maintain your course fairways.
Comes complete with Sand Bottle. Just fill with
your superintendent’s divot repair mixture.
-- Item 600-452 Sand and Seed Holder
Mounts at side of your Kangaroo, out of the way while
you walk behind your motorcaddie. Spring loaded.
Seat molded of puncture-proof polyurethane foam --
more durable than rubber or vinyl. Withstands rain,
ozone, and ultraviolet rays.
--Item 600-100A Model 5 Seat
The practical solution for your Kangaroo
storage problem is the NEW space-saving
CaddieStand. Lightweight yet sturdy the
free-standing CaddieStand measures 52 inches
high and 32 inches across and stores your
Kangaroo securely until you are ready to play
again. Helps solve your garage clutter
problem too. Takes just a few minutes to
assemble. Welded steel construction. For
Hillcrest and Model 5 models only.
--Item 600-640 CaddieStand
Caddie Stand