My motor is running, but the wheels aren’t turning.
Do you hear any growling or grinding noise coming from the gearbox? If so, there may be broken or cracked
gears in the gearbox that will need replaced. Return to Kangaroo factory (North Carolina) for repair.
Don’t open the gearbox or attempt to service the transaxle gear train. It is tuned at the factory to
minimize gear noise. It also contains a special lubricant, which is sealed inside by a gasket
If you aren’t hearing any noise, then you may have a sheared axle pin. Ordering the pin from Kangaroo is
simple and installation is easy. Authorized Service Centers can do this (for a charge), or it can be done at the
Kangaroo factory, free if under warranty.
For quick instructions on how to check this axle pin, visit our Technical Support
Website at
If the axle pin (shown in photo above) is
missing or sheared, the problem may be with a roll pin inside
the gearbox that has sheared, loosened, or the motor pinion gear may be worn. In such cases your chassis
must be returned to the Kangaroo factory for repairs.
Axle Pin
The front wheel is out of alignment. It is best to put your motorcaddie on a paved level surface to test your
The center of gravity and weight distribution of your golf bag can affect the straight line travel of your
motorcaddie. In some cases you may need to make the alignment adjustments with your golf bag on the
motorcaddie, or re-adjust the contents of your bag for better balance.
Tighten the screw back down and run the motorcaddie forward to check align-
ment. You may need to do this procedure several times in order to get the motor-
caddie in alignment and track straight.
While standing in front of the motorcaddie, hold the front wheel and loosen the screw on the
right side
move the wheel (very slightly, a little means a lot) in the opposite direction that it was tracking.
My motorcaddie isn’t keeping a straight line.
Once wheel has been moved to the desired location,
hold it in
while tightening screw!
1/2” Axle
Loosen this
1/4” -20
Screw with
Star Washer