My motorcaddie runs on fast speed only.
Do you have a friend that has a Kangaroo Model 5 with whom you can swap handles? Note:
Hillcrest AB handles will not work in a Model 5
) If you put a friend’s handle in your motorcad-
die and their speed control functions properly, then the
speed potentiometer
(600-897) in your
handle needs to be replaced.
If the speed control on your friend’s handle doesn’t work in your motorcaddie, then your
(100-106) probably needs to be replaced.
My motorcaddie has suddenly lost the AutoBrake function.
There is an electrical resistor built into your control board for braking. If your motorcad-
die does not automatically brake when power is switched OFF, the control board under-
neath the chassis needs to be replaced or factory serviced.
Hundreds of microfine bristles are designed to quickly remove
even the smallest particles from woods and irons without dam-
aging the finest clubs.
Item 600-400 Ball and Club Washer
Item 600-403 Ball and Club Washer chassis bracket
Item 600-004 Wedge Clip
allows the use of the Gallery Seat and Ball & Club Washer
simultaneously. Easy to follow instructions are available if
you wish to install it at home.)
Ball and Club Washer
Offers added stability on steep inclines. Designed with trailing wheel on arm of precise length. Does
not carry weight during normal travel, and allows your motorcaddie to easily steer side-to-side.
When your motorcaddie tilts back, the Xtreme Slope Wheel arm automatically pivots out, prevent-
ing an embarrassing tip-over. Mounts easily to Upper Caddie Structure. Recommended for remote
control operation.
-- Item 600-410S Extreme Slope Wheel