Kali Audio LP-UNF Users’ Guide
1. I opened the speaker, and it is damaged.
If you received a speaker that is obviously damaged, please contact your dealer immediately.
2. The speaker is making no sound.
• Is the speaker plugged in?
• Is the speaker turned on? There should be a blue LED on the front of the powered unit if it’s on. If this light
is off, the speaker may be turned off or the LED might be disengaged with the DIP switches.
• Is the volume turned up?
• Are all cables plugged in to both your playback device and the speaker?
• Are you passing audio via your playback device?
3. The speaker sounds distorted.
• Is the speaker playing too loud? Turn down the volume on the back of the speaker. If the distortion goes
away, you may be playing the speaker too loud. Besides the problem of distortion, this can be damaging to
your hearing if you are close to the speaker.
• Is your source too loud? Turn the volume down at your source device. If the distortion goes away, you may
be overdriving the input. If this is the case, turn the volume of the speaker up and turn your source down.
4. I hear cracks, hums, or buzzing.
• Are you using RCA?
a. If “yes,” be advised that RCA is an unbalanced connection, and is prone to picking up noise as signal
travels through the cable. This is especially true if you are using very long RCA cables.
• Is the speaker close to electronics like a television, wireless router, phone, motor, or radio? If so, these can
interact with the speaker’s magnet in ways that cause unwanted noise. Try moving the speaker at least .5
Meters (20 inches) from any such devices.
• Are there loose objects in the room that may be buzzing with the bass? Low frequencies can cause objects
in a room to vibrate loudly. Make sure that small, hard objects like screws and other hardware are secure.
• Do you hear the offending sound with nothing plugged into the inputs? If no, there is an issue elsewhere in
your signal chain that you’ll need to troubleshoot.
5. I’m having connection issues via USB-C with my computer.
• Turn your LP-UNFs off and turn them on again. If the problem persists:
• If you’re using a Windows computer, restart the computer. Make sure that you have the newest audio
drivers installed.
• If you’re using a Mac computer, restart the computer. Make sure that you are running the most recent
operating system.
If you’re still having trouble, contact Kali’s customer service for help!