KACO blueplanet 3.0 NX3 M2 KACO blueplanet 5.0 NX3 M2 KACO blueplanet 8.0 NX3 M2 KACO blueplanet 10.0 NX3 M2
KACO blueplanet 15.0 NX3 M2 KACO blueplanet 20.0 NX3 M2
Page 40
Manually adjusting the Modbus address
The required device is selected in
<Available inverters> and the <Inverter
values & settings> menu is opened.
By default, the Modbus address
” is stored here and should not be
changed for an inverter. This value is
used for communication with the data
logger and Smart-Meter.
1. If necessary, enter a
value for
additional inverter that follows the
first communication unit and <Confirm>
after entering.
Modbus address configured.
Fig. 84.
Select Modbus address
Fig. 85.
View Modbus address
Enabling external write access
You have the option of granting write
access for external protocols. Access
relates exclusively to the “Monitoring &
control” menu. See Chapter 9.7.2
By default, the function is
disabled. After activation, take note of
the information field in the window
that appears.
1. If required, grant write access by
pressing <Confirm>.
External write access granted via
SunSpec / KACO
Fig. 86.
Grant access to device via Sunspec
Modbus / Kaco legacy protocol
Fig. 87.
Select external write access
Fig. 88.
Confirm activation of
external write access