< Contents >
(2) [SPLIT]
You can record the images on the PC of Streamproducer independently of the recording on the
miniDV cassette on this mode.
It is not necessary to set the cassette on the DV CAMCORDER.
-Start recording
The "e" sign turns red on the display of DV CAMCORDER.
-Stop recording
Push [SELECT] dial of DV CAMCORDER again during the "e" sign is red.
The "e" sign reverts yellow on the display of DV CAMCORDER.
(3) [OFF]
Trigger mode does not work if you choose [OFF].
5-3. Save recorded images
Recorded images are saved in the location specified on Option dialog of Streamproducer. Please see “9-2.
Option dialog” about specifying saving place.
< Contents >
6. Playback files
Streamproducer can playback and cast the contents saved in the hard disk or CF card of up to four files at the
simultaneously, each stream is shown on its own video display window.
6-1. Select files
When no file is selected, the menu bar indicates “No Setting”. Click the [File] button on the video display
window to invoke the open stream file.
Open Stream File dialog appears.
Select a file and click [Open] button.
( You can also see Open Stream File dialog by choosing [Playback a File] from [Menu] button.)
File name is shown above the video display window.
Buttons for operation of images appear above the video display window.
You can see additional information about the selected file by choosing [Property...] from [Menu] button.