0845 1204582
JK part numbers:
Just Kampers, Unit 1 Stapeley Manor, Long Lane, Odiham, Hants. RG29 1JE
NB. Please note that whilst every attempt is made to ensure that these instructions are as
accurate and clear as possible, we cannot be held responsible for misinterpretation of these
instructions or for any subsequent accident or damage caused through mis-fitted parts.
Tech Sheet
Spot Colour Pantone 653
Spot Colour P653/P151
Spot Colour White out
4 Colour Blue
4 Colour White out
4 Colour Blue/Orange
Spot Colours
Process Colours
Please Read Me!
Congratulations on the purchase of your new Just Kampers Pop-Up 365 Awning. We are sure you will enjoy this great
new concept in camping.
As with any new purchase, there are important elements you will not be familiar with and some of these can actually
be critical to protecting your investment. We want to help you as much as possible to get to grips with how to erect
the Pop-Up 365 without damaging it or yourself. So please read the following as failure to do so will invalidate your
12 month warranty.
Here are 10 helpful tips to help you along the way.
1. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that reading and following instructions is uncool. Listen to us as we want to help!
2. Always take care transporting your awning - never throw or drop it. Doing so can and probably will damage your awning.
3. It’s a good idea to practice pitching your awning in the garden a few times before actually heading off and using
it, as it will become quicker and easier each time you do it. An added bonus to this is that you will look like a true
professional when you set it up at a campsite.
4. We’d recommend packing your tent last in your camper van, so you can unpack it easily when you arrive at your
destination or back home.
5. Do not attempt to set up your JK Pop-Up 365 in high winds. The chances of causing severe damage are high. This
is an awning not a hang-glider!
6. We highly recommend that two people carry out the erection of the awning - whilst we have designed it to be very
easy to use, it is a large awning and therefore the fly sheet will be easier to fit over the main tent with two people.
7. The flysheet must be fitted with the lower black skirts to the opposite side to the JK logos on the main tent.
8. Always be cautious with all fixtures and fittings, if you have to use force at any time - STOP! You should not have
to force anything and could be causing critical damage. You may find the spring clips on the extendable sliding poles
need patience rather than brute force.
9. Never try to disassemble the porch frame until you have unclipped the flysheet and unpegged the flysheet - if you
do not adhere to this ruling you could easily rip the flysheet with the pin on the end of the straight arms of the five
piece porch frame due to the tension on the arms. The onus is on you to follow this instruction as failing to do so
could ruin your flysheet!
10. Always pack down and pack away your awning with care. Make sure it’s clean and dry before you pack it away as
failure to do so could mean the fabric will suffer from mildew. Finally when releasing the central Pop-Up mechanism
make certain you DO NOT stand with your head directly underneath it as when released, it will Pop-Down with
considerable force, so stand to one side.
Now, please refer to point one again and then turn over for the full instructions.
Happy Kamping!
Mark Reynolds and the JK team
JK Pop Up 365 Awning