digital audio
processing system
64ch BNC MADI & AoIP I/O
MADI Channel Count
[64 / 56]
General set-up of the number of MADI channels in use. It must be
equal to the channel count of the device from where the C8315
receives from or where it transmits to.
MMA Sync
Will enable a dedicated sync signal for use by the Junger MMA
meta data generator. It will be inserted into MADI Ch 64.
Important Note!
If MMA Sync is turned on, MADI transmitter Ch 64 is blocked and can’t be used for
audio transport.
General settings of the AoIP (Dante OEM) module used for the C8315
Important Note!
This page content is informational only for the first release of the C8315.
Parameters may only be changed by use of the DANTE Controller software from Audinate.