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20320 1S IPS R
Power supply with IP interface:
Application download is canceled after timeout
Possible reason:
Used system components (e.g. area / line coupler) are incompatible to KNX Data Secure.
KNX Data Secure uses a longer telegram format (extended frames). Only devices with KNX Data Secure
can communicate safely in a line or in a line segment and can be secure commissioned in the ETS.
Old or incompatible system components has to be replaced by newer system components.
11 Terms
For IP routers and IP interfaces, this is always the IP network.
If devices send data information via the TP bus or IP network, they are
generally readable by third parties. These only require access to the
TP bus or IP network for reading. Encryption of the data in this context
means that the contents of the telegrams are no longer to be interpreted
if the encryption parameters (for example passwords) are unknown.
Key Parameter
A series of numbers known only to the ETS project. These numbers are
used to transform the data in both directions: encryption and decryption.
(Factory Default Setup Key)
The initial factory key. This key is used when commissioning the initial
programming. A new key is loaded into the device, whereby this process
is encrypted with the FDSK. The FDSK key is then no longer valid. It is
reactivated only when resetting to factory settings.
A KNX point-to-point connection on the TCP / IP network, which is
established with UDP or TCP protocol. Tunneling communication is
reliable and has incorporated a link layer for that purpose. Therefore
independent of the Ethernet connection, e.g. Cable or WLAN, and
regardless of the TCP / IP protocol (UDP or TCP), no data is lost. With
UDP, however, the restriction is that the data link layer works with a one-
second timeout. This timeout can be adjusted in the advanced setup.
A simple TCP server on port 23 that enables direct text-based
communication with the IP device. Telnet is a de facto standard used at
the window level, e.g. with “PuTTY” is addressed.
Abgesicherter Modus,
Secure Mode
If the device is parameterized via the ETS so that the communication is
only encrypted, this is referred to as secure mode.
Nicht abgesicherter Modus,
Plain Mode
If the device is parameterized via the ETS so that the communication is
only unencrypted, this is called unsecured mode.