Recommended tubing:
Temperature range
CR tubing
Viton tubing
-20 °C to +120 °C
-50 °C to +200 °C
Filling / draining
Take care that no liquid enters the interior of the
Recommended maximum filling level with water as
bath liquid: 25 mm below the tank rim
Recommended maximum filling level with bath oils:
40 mm below the tank rim
ATTENTION: the volume of bath oils will increase due to
thermal expansion when the bath temperature rises.
Exercise CAUTION when emptying hot bath liquids!
Press the mains switch to turn the circulator off.
Place the heating circulator near the rim of the table.
Use a suitable vessel as recipient for the bath liquid.
A drain plug is located on the front of the bath tank
that is unscrewed to drain the bath.
Remove the bridge mounted circulator from the bath
Empty the bath tank.
Store and dispose the used bath liquid according
to the laws for environmental protection.