Troubleshooting guide / Error messages
9. Troubleshooting guide / Error messages
Whenever the microprocessor electronics registers a failure, a complete shutdown
of the circulator is performed. The alarm light "
" illuminates and a continuous
signal tone sounds.
The circulator is operated without bath liquid, or the liquid level is insufficient.
Replenish the bath tank with the bath liquid.
Tube breakage has occured (insufficient filling level due to excessive bath
liquid pumped out). Replace the tubing and replenish the bath tank with the
bath liquid.
The float is defect (e. g., because damaged in transit). Repair by authorized
JULABO service personnel.
Failure of one or both temperature sensors of the CU-unit.
Cable of the working temperature sensor interrupted or short-circuited.
Defect of the working or safety temperature sensor.
Working temperature and safety sensors report a temperature difference of
more than 100 K.
Other errors (I
C-BUS errors)
Error in A/D converter.
Safety sensor defect.
The safety temperature value lies below the working temperature setpoint.
Set the safety temperature to a higher value.
External control selected, but external Pt100 sensor not connected.
Error in the measuring system of the external temperature sensor „EXT“.
Error at the internal Interface
Safety sensor 1:
Cable of the safety sensor 1 interrupted or short-circuited.
Safety sensor 2:
Cable of the safety sensor 2 interrupted or short-circuited.
Safety sensor 3:
Cable of the safety sensor 3 interrupted or short-circuited.
Safety sensor in the cooling zone:
Cable of the safety sensor interrupted or short-circuited.