5.5. Tubing
Recommended tubing:
Metal tubing, triple insulated, M16x1, Temperature range -100 °C ... +350 °C
Order No.
8 930 209
8 930 210
8 930 211
8 930 214
0.5 m
1.0 m
1.5 m
3.0 m
Metal tubing, insulated, M16x1, Temperature range -50 °C ... +200 °C
Order No.
8 930 220
8 930 221
8 930 222
8 930 223
0.5 m
1.0 m
1.5 m
3.0 m
Pressure max.
6.0 bar
+20 °C
4.6 bar
+200 °C
3.8 bar
+350 °C
At high working temperatures the tubing used for temperature application and cooling water
supply represents a danger source.
A failure of the counter-cooling, e.g. through broken tubes can cause higher temperatures in
the cooling zone. Due to a damaged tempering tube hot tempering liquid can be pumped out
within a short time.
These are possible results:
Danger of fire
Danger of explosion
Burning of people’s skin
Difficulties in breathing due to hot atmosphere
JULABO supplies the metal tubes with assembly instructions
(No. 1.950.0013). There all the instruction for assembly are indicated. They absolutely have
to be respected.
Safety recommendations
Employ suitable connecting tubing.
Make sure that the tubes are securely attached.
Avoid sharp bends in the tubing, and maintain a sufficient distance from surrounding
Regularly check the tubing for material defects (e.g. for cracks)..