Menu functions
The parameters >Xpu<, >CoSpeed< and >Dynamik< are only
supported from the programme version V4 xx.
If the control electronics (V 4.xx) M2 respectively M3 is
combined with an older version of the HT60 circulators, these
parameters are not available. They are not indicated in the
Proportional range >Xpu<
The proportional range Xpu of the cascaded controller is only
needed for external control.
>DynInt< - Dynamics
This parameter affects the march of temperature only in case
of internal control (see page 34).
Adjustable parameter:
The temperature rises quicker, however can
overshoot up to 5 %. If a ramp is defined, the
march of temperature often follows this ramp.
The temperature rises chronologically without
With both adjustments a sufficient temperature stability is
reached after approximately the same time.
0 up to 5
This parameter affects the march temperature only in case of
external control (see page 34).
The adjustment affects the calculation of the control parameter
when identifying and so the control course.